
Showing posts from June, 2010

Help with rocket launch controller build - Raspberry Pi Forums

i building rocket launch controller. far have launch sequence working when press 'button.' counts down 10 , fires correct led @ end of countdown. have key switch attached board though , want ot launch when key switch on. want led2 on if switch on , led3 on if switch off indicate 'armed' status of controller. know next nothing python , have scrapped code far several tutorials , others' builds of similar projects. code: select all from gpiozero import led, button time import sleep signal import pause subprocess import popen led = led(17) led2 = led(27) led3 = led(22) button = button(2) armswitch = button (4) led2.on() while true: button.wait_for_press() print ('countdown sequence initializing. ignition in...') popen(["flite -t 'countdown sequence initializing. ignition in'"], shell=true) sleep(4) in range(0,10): print (10 - i) popen(["flite -t '" + str(10 - i) +...

Multiple page pdf

this doesn't seem should hard find info on. i'm looking create multiple page pdf out of several single pages. the files named f1.pfd, f2.pdf, etc but adding them in various ways (drag , drop, through insert command) ends bringing them in in seems random order. any appreciated! seán have tried file>create pdf>from multiple files? can add number of files , reorder them heart's content before creating final pdf. More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Exporting to pdf from Word

hi everyone, i still have problems when want print word document acrobat pdf (i have acrobat 8.1.2 , mac os x leopard). know there compatibility problems between cs 3 , leopard, haven't been resolved yet in 8.1.2? cheers, johan >i still have problems when want print word document acrobat pdf (i have acrobat 8.1.2 , mac os x leopard). and problems are...? aandi inston More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

[SOLVED]Clock Set mode issue - capacitive sensors

hi all, i've been working on clock , works except 'set mode' delay have implemented. reason button_delay holds , enters set mode when tapping capacitive button, not want.  it needs cancel if tap unintended.  the capacitive button not hanging though, when monitoring values via serial, responds quickly, , reacts expected when enters 'set mode'.  any appreciated code: [select] void longpressset(){   long total3 = setsensor.capacitivesensor(2);       serial.println(total3);       if (total3 > 70){       buttonstateset = high;       }       else {buttonstateset = low;}   buttonstateset = buttonstateset;   while (buttonstateset == high && button_delay < 20 && setstate == 0){     delay (100);     button_delay++;     serial.println(button_delay);  ...

SPI devices (LCD, nRF24L01) NOT working together - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey guys! i've been lurking around here lot of time, , want build something, need help. i'm building wireless system monitoring temperature , humidity. use rpi base receiving messages nrf24l01 , 2 arduino's sending wirelessly measurements using nrf24l01 , dht22. on rpi side, use pcd8544 displaying measurements. it's working displaying other messages cpu temperature , date/time testing. used texy's code following thread: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=9814 nrf24l01 on rpi side works using blavery's code , library ( viewtopic.php?f=45&t=85504 ) , have received measurements sent arduinos. when try them work together, lcd display works, , seems nrf device "hangs" , not receive until reboot rpi. think use same spi device , confused. 2 devices on rpi side use different spi ces wired gpio pins. so, don't have problem there. maybe it's library issue? help. it's appreciated. hector p.s. tell me post code if needed. wanted keep post s...

Mac version?

i know there mac version of acrobat yet adobe doesn't list 1 on website. why? there's no trial version 1 either, how try program out? >i know there mac version of acrobat yet adobe doesn't list 1 on website. acrobat pro (not standard) on mac too, indeed. it's in adobe store , in system requirements - it's windows only? > >there's no trial version 1 either, how try program out? now that's question, not 1 i've ever seen them answer. aandi inston More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Arduino + SD card + RTC + NFC : possibile far funzionare tuto insieme?

ciao e tutti, vi chiedo una dritta. mi stavo chiedendo se è possibile creare una cosa del genere con arduino. - prendo una cosa con attaccato un portachiavi nfc e lo leggo. - chi lo prende ha un suo tag nfc che lo identifica e lo leggo. - salvo queste due info + l'orario su un file sd - rifaccio la procedura contraria quando ripongo l'oggetto e salvo questi nuovi dati su una riga della sd. era per un datalogging su chiavi di autoveicoli (2)... accettasi altri consigli, basta che siano più semplici e funzionali possibili. ma è possibile far coesistere tutto ciò su una scheda arduino? sd e rtc sì, perchè esiste lo shield apposito per il datalogging, ma aggiungere un pn532 nfc ? grazie. mi sembra di capire che rtc usi i2c , quindi mi occupa a4 e a5, mentre il problema sarebbe che mi si sovrappongono le connessioni tra sd car reader ( un modulo stand alone, non shield) e nfc pn532 ... c'è soluzione ? oppure potrei usare un arduino collegato ad nfc...

Can anyone tell me what this error means?

hi the following error encountered printer has opened supplied pdf in acrobat, saved postscript , run through distiller server 6. can tell me error means , sort of things can cause it? %%[ error: syntaxerror; offendingcommand: ! ]%% stack: /paintproc 5.32031 /ystep 258.404 /xstep [257.404 5.32031 258.404 5.32031] /bbox 1 /tilingtype 1 /painttype 1 /patterntype -mark- -mark- -mark- -save- %%[ flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) ignored ]%% %%[ warning: postscript error. no pdf file produced. ] %% More discussions in Acrobat Distiller Server adobe

Best 3D Book

hi guys, can recommend intermediate "acro 3d book". don't have javascript background however, learn more. give pdf users access to: how start , stop predefined animations; how have parts of mesh appear transparent ; how explode 3d model pieces; user define display modes (illustrative, wireframe); user turn on/off predefined measurements; user access & execute 3d menu system. i know these approaches available in adobe tutorials .rh & js files missing im looking guidance on central 3d resource worked examples? recommendations? cheers g hey gazzz, i'm not sure give you're looking for, there "acrobat 3d classroom in book" acrobat 3d version 8. may come in handy. More discussions in Rich Media & 3D adobe

PRO E compatibility?

what versions of pro e a3d compatible with? and, if any, there known problems should made aware of? compatibility solidworks 2006, well? when program supposed able run it? want use program, use pro e , sw2006, need input. thanks. brett i've been using right hemisphere's deep exploration cad edition, rh of translation software adobe capabilities on input similar, not identical (rh de has more export capabilities). what i've found: 1. rh de handles pro/e wildfire 2 files not wildfire 3. 2. rh de handles wf neutral files not wf2 or 3 neutral files. 3. assembly level features not supported. 4. simplified reps not supported (can't open specific sr, master rep). 5. cables not supported (you can export neutral format cables). More discussions in Rich Media & 3D adobe

sensore di temperatura e luminosità e LCD

salve, sono nuovo su questo forum, appena iscritto. poche settimane fa ho comprato il mio primo arduino starter kit, ho cercato ad apprendere le basi per la programmazione di arduino, ma per me è ancora complicato scrivere un programma non avendo le basi del linguaggio di programmazione. non se questo è il posto giusto dove pubblicare il mio post, e mi scuso se sbaglio. allora in pratica vorrei realizzare un piccolo sistema per rilevare la temperatura e la luminosità dell'ambiente, su internet e altri siti ho cercato progetti simili e ho visto diversi modi e sketch ma nessuno va bene per il mio caso, o forse gli sketch che ho visualizzato non erano corretti per il mio progetto. comunque io utilizzo un sensore di temperatura ds18b20 della dallas, collegato al piedino analogico a0, e una fotoresistenza collegata al piedino analogico a1, ho collegato bene il mio display lcd 16x2 ad arduino, poi vorrei utilizzare un pulsante che in pratica premendolo sul display venga visuali...

Thread: Xubuntu 9.10 for Latitude CpxJ?

hi, have xubuntu 8.10 running on old dell latitude cpxj. when tried upgrading 9.04, slowed down crawl, , saw others had similar experiences. there feel yet how 9.10 on old laptops? should stick 8.10, or safe upgrade? much. went ahead upgrade after imaging drives. used upgrade manager go 8.10 9.04, 9.10. wine still working. far 9.10 seems no slower 8.10, , wi-fi seem connect ok. congrats involved in improving 2 issues on older laptops! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [xubuntu] Xubuntu 9.10 for Latitude CpxJ? Ubuntu

Welches Roboter-Kit mit Arduino verwenden..?

hallo zusammen, meine langfristige idee ist es ein kleines autonomes (outdoor) roboterfahrzeug zu basteln. jetzt suche ich schon seit einiger zeit nach einem für arduino passenden roboter-kit. der markt ist relativ unübersichtlich und offensichtlich kurzlebig. wobei mir lego oder fischertechnik etwas zu empfindlich ist. im buch "arduino workshops isbn: 978-3-86490-106-5 wird auf ein model pololu rp5 verwiesen. den bausatz gibt es inzwischen nicht mehr zu kaufen. jedenfalls finde ich nichts mehr. im buch "roboter bauen mit arduino: die anleitung für einsteiger (galileo computing) broschiert - 27. oktober 2014" isbn: 978-3836229418 wird auf den link verwiesen. der link ist inzwischen tot. interessant finde ich "makeblock" ( sieht sehr umfangreich aus, wird aber wohl wenig mit arduino zusammen verwendet. es gibt natürlich auch den arduino roboter http://ard...

Bluetooth + RF 433mhz

slt à tous, cela fait quelques temps que je suis sur mon projet domotique mais je butte sur un point voila le sujet : -je possède 2 arduino, un uno et un nano -je connecte mon tel en bluetooth mon uno pour envoyer soit un soit un b et partir de la mon uno envoi par 433mhz un commande mon nano qui allume une led si il recoit a=on ou qui l'éteint si='il recoit b=off mais je ne comprend pas ou est le probleme, les commande que j'envoi en bluetooth passe tout les temps, mais apparement cela n'envoi pas tout le temps la commande en 433mhz pouvez vous regarder mon code et me dire ce que vous en pensez ps, j'ai attaché les fichier en bas de page normalement code uno code: [select] #include <virtualwire.h> // vous devez télécharger et installer la librairie virtualwire.h dans votre dossier "/libraries" ! void setup() {     serial.begin(9600);     vw_setup(2000);               // bits par se...

GSM shield repeatedly sends sms...

gsm shield repeatedly sends sms. how make send 1 sms when buttonstate high? thank you. here's code. code: [select] char rx_data[50]; unsigned char rx_index = 0; int = 0; char msg[160]; int sig; const int buttonpin = 2; const int buttonpin1 = 4; const int buttonpin2 = 6; const int ledpin = 12;// number of pushbutton pin const int ledpin1 = 13; const int ledpin2 = 11; const int buzzerpin = 8; // number of led pin // variables change: int buttonstate = 0; int buttonstate2 = 0;// variable reading pushbutton status int buttonstate3 = 0; void setup() {   serial.begin(38400);   // initialize led pin output:   pinmode(ledpin, output);     pinmode(ledpin1, output);   pinmode(ledpin2, output);   pinmode(buzzerpin, output);     // initialize pushbutton pin input:   pinmode(buttonpin, input_pullup);   pinmode(buttonpin1, input_pullup);   pinmode(buttonpin2, input_pullup); ...

[svn] 4113: Fix for - RunTime version information repeated in the class comment area of the ASDoc output

revision: 4113 author: date: 2008-11-14 11:04:55 -0800 (fri, 14 nov 2008) log message: ----------- fix - runtime version information repeated in class comment area of asdoc output qe notes: none doc notes: none bugs: sdk-18109 tests: checkintests ticket links: ------------ modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/asdoc/toplevelclassesgenerator.ja va More discussions in Commits adobe

Thread: November 1st, 2009 - AssaultCube - Sunday

gamers, #ugn (ubuntu game night) game of week assaultcube . assaultcube ( ) arena style fps. every ugn event on sunday @ 2 pm est (18:00 gmt). length of event varies between 1 → 4 hours. hope show show compiledkernel how play! ---------------------------------------- installing game: go link below , follow instructions on how add repositories list. install game via synaptic. if have older or newer version of ubuntu might not have assaultcube in playdeb repos, check video out: ---------------------------------------- more information ugn or event please visit . have irc chatroom can access here this day! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Spe...

info aiuto su configurazione - Raspberry Pi Forums

salve tutti sono nuovo sia sul forum che con il raspi. ho comprato un raspi b2 e uno schermo della tontec da 3,5 pollici. installano raspbian e seguendo passopasso la guida per installare driver per lo schermo ci sono riuscito tranquillamente. il problema inizia qui: ho scaricato e installato la distro di kali linux per il raspi, ma seguendo la guida per la configurazione dello schermo, andando modificare file overlay.dbt, è come se non ci sono o se riesco ad aprire quei titpi di file me li da come vuoti. andando nella directory boot, non mi da nessun file. in poche parole non sono riuscito ad installare il tutto per far partire lo schermo. ps. ho provato lo stesso seguire le istruzioni, e all'ultimo reboot della macchina, una volta riavviato avevo solo grafica testo o come si dice; chiedo voi esperti/smanettoni del settore xd di aiutarmi. grazie tutti raspberrypi

Remoting returning fault "Cannot create class of type "first.Test"

hi! i'm trying first application using blazeds after experience turnkey version. as i'm new java, downloaded blazeds.war file , extract on server. started eclipse , create new project based on existent has extracted. create class, did in tutorial , added destination ("first-one") @ remoting-config.xml pointing "first.test" class. then, i've created flex project , created remotingobject (destination="first-one") , button call function "giveme" first.test class. added listeners see result of remoteobject , tested. when run , click on button, asking "giveme" method, returns fault string "cannot create class of type first.test". so, please, did made wrong? could point out learn how deploy application without using turnkey version? thank you, caiotoon! More discussions in Configuration and Getting Started adobe

Thread: Kubuntu software sources?

well, installed kde on gnome desktop , want software sources kubuntu. can tell me ones need add? or kubuntu , ubuntu share common updates? the kubuntu packages should in ubuntu repositories. don't think have worry about. 1 thing open synaptic , instead of using main server, or server (or other location) try finding best server, spreads out load better servers, , makes updates faster, better you. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Kubuntu software sources? Ubuntu

external gears for servo motor

i have servo motor i'm using project. want gears attached directly shaft of servo arms come can't find any. i've seen sold futaba , hitech servos, small. in range of 1.5-2 inches. know can find them? servo city has some. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > external gears for servo motor arduino

Thread: WiFi emitting strength

hello, there way limit wifi card emitting strength? notebok battery seems discharged in short time (much shorter vista). ubuntu 9.04 thanks! hi there, not sure reducing strength of card have difference in battery life. maybe small difference @ best. anyway, there command reduce tx power of card work cards (notoriously buggy). txpower cards supporting multiple transmit powers, sets transmit power in dbm. if w power in watt, power in dbm p = 30 + 10.log (w) . if value postfixed mw , automatically converted dbm. in addition, on , off enable , disable radio, , auto , fixed enable , disable power control (if features available). examples : iwconfig eth0 txpower 15 iwconfig eth0 txpower 30mw iwconfig eth0 txpower auto iwconfig eth0 txpower off anyway, hope helps luck, pat. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community ...

[Answered, thanks] Leaving the () of a function call

i accidentally left () off function call, typing: code: [select] pulseled; // instead of pulseled(); needless didn't call void pulseled() , of course did after noticed , put () in. but i'm confused why compiled..... the name of function pointer location a.k.a. address of function. it compiles addresses of function may occur on right hand side (rhs) of expression. you have same "problem" with void setup() {   int x;   x; } Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > [Answered, thanks] Leaving the () of a function call arduino

IR send RAW

hello, first of all: please bear me, i'm beginner :-) i created sketch receive code ir remote. the code is: - 551502015 - (hex):20df40bf code receive: #include <irremote.h> int recv_pin = 11; irrecv irrecv(recv_pin); decode_results results; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   irrecv.enableirin(); // start receiver } void loop()  {   if(irrecv.decode(&results))   {    serial.print("received: ");    serial.println(results.value);    serial.print("received (hex):");    serial.println(results.value, hex);    irrecv.resume(); // receive next value   } } now i'd send code tv. important know able "mirror" kind of code. predefined libraries "irsend.sendsony" not option. based on posts on web created below sketch. think not entirely understand unsigned int bit. in examples looked people using arrays containing multiple codes. have one. doesn't...

Dalserf Parish Church - One of the oldest churches in Scotland - circa 1655. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

just completed first site using joomla , subtletrooper rockettheme. the site dalserf parish church, 1 of oldest churches in scotland dating 1655. the site uses joomla 1.0.12 theme:      subtletrooper rockettheme modifications theme:  single colour menu throughout (more suited church site)                                   other basic mods required extensions: jcalpro                 docman                 expose gallery (still populated)                 jambook the site static site done using dreamweaver, church want able add content , edit moved them on joomla. release news letter ever month , able add site demonstrated. this first complete site using joomla. have still upload lot of content, in mean time appreciate feedback. very nice. r...

Home-made 10W RGB LED driver?

hi, i want control 10 pcs. of 10w rgb leds @ 12v,  including being able change color of each led seperately, preferably @ high speed. i'm thinking can control them on i2c bus several pca9685, each giving me 16 pwm outputs. but cannot draw current chip, else can do? essentially want amplify 5v pwm output. since each channel r,g,b might have different maximum voltages, i'm planning provide constant 12v, 11v , 8v vdc power source. so, perhaps 5v pwm output serve signal high-speed transistor, resulting in respectively 12v, 11v or 8v in pwm form? is design? there better way? if supply constant current not need specify voltage, taken cair of automatically. therefore don't need amplify pwm voltage, use pwm turn on or off constant current drive. this typical constant current drive, parts shown not drive 10w. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multi...

inserting google maps comp into section description ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

not sure should go i'll start here ive added google maps, created categories , markers , hunky dory what show relevant map when usewr clicks on menu item ie have bars map show when clicks on bars menu item the site has sections called bars, retaurants, towns, clubs etc, category items eg bars town1, town2, town3 etc , same resturants, towns section, list town names when click on bars, page displayed show bars google map , descrition bars in general , sub menus appprear listing towns - when click on 1 of towns content listing normal some how need "import" eg "/index.php?option=com_google_maps&category=17&center=2&itemid=26" bars section description Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Versionssatz in PSE 3.0 auflösen

wie kan man versionssätze unter pse 3.0 auflösen, sodaß anschließend sowohl das original als auch die bearbeiteten versionen nebeneinander im browser geführt werden? geht das nur über datei>duplizieren und dann löschen? das scheint mir nicht der königsweg... jemand eine idee? herr "narya" vielleicht??? würde mich ja freuen! gutes neues übrigens!!! der weg über "datei > duplizieren" und anschließendes löschen der jeweils nicht benötigten versionen scheint der einzige weg zu sein. tut mir leid! alexander. More discussions in Deutsche Foren adobe

DHCP - once again - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, after having solved recent dhcp issues seeing following in /var/log/messages: code: select all jan 8 11:29:38 flever dhcpd: dhcpdiscover b8:27:eb:59:48:d0 (flever) via eth0 jan 8 11:29:44 flever dhcpd: flever.flehenberg.local: host unknown. jan 8 11:29:44 flever dhcpd: dhcpoffer on b8:27:eb:59:48:d0 (flever) via eth0 mac adress 1 dhcp server (hostname: flever). usual message or still need check in configuration? best regards, olaf raspberrypi

Arduino Mega 2560 Analog input data changes by device?

hello i taking sensor data analog input. simple voltage data. so data constant 90 bit +-5 bit (441mv +- 20mv). i using desktop measurement. however, tried take sensor data laptop same setup , same code. what did plug out usb desktop , plug in laptop. than, data not consistence @ all, voltage fluctuate 100~200mv. i used ina129 instrumentation amplifier voltage output. ina working fine have no idea why signal fluctuate when connect arduino laptop. does analog input affected power supply?? i wondering laptop power not enough, powered arduino 2.1mm adapter but result same. does know problem? thanks help. it's reference. read reference of analogreference: normally 5v default reference analogread(). if 5v power changes 4.8v, analogread return higher value. can use power supply of 7.5v or more dc barrel jack. should result in same analog values. when internal 1.1v or 2.56v reference selected, should tuned every ...

general extension installation problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i want start install extension not able to, "failed create directory", server rejects it, uploaded files via ftp, don't show in mambot list, there way activate after uploading ? i have tried instance smooth gallery extension. thans mio, bert bouwer the netherlands your permisisons on components or modules directory need ne writable webserver, either 755 or 777 if doesnt work, once have installed , configured extension, reset permissions 777 if needed set them them high. you might need delete directory ftp'd files in first though. many extensions required installed through installer because add data in database , simple ftp'ing of files not this. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

wrapper question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this may sound dumb of out there, cannot life of me find wrapper module anymore! i mean gone! when in joomla explorer, can see appropriate folders, , files( downloaded fresh copy of joomla check where  , files should have) , have !!! this sooo weird, please me cheers in adavance! jody. jody, do mean wrapper allows "wrap" html pages joomla site? i don't think that's considered module. under menu menu, go 1 of menus. click new create new menu item. there should have option create wrapper-style item. hope that's you're looking for... jesse Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Enviar comandos via I2C

olá pessoal, gostaria de saber se é possível enviar comandos tipo "don't care" via i2c, por exemplo, ao utilizar um expansor de portas, podemos enviar comandos em binário, porém, se eu quiser que apenas uma porta mude de estado (1 ou 0), mas sem alterar o estado atual das outras portas, é possível? sei que da pra fazer mesma coisa utilizando vários comandos de condição, porém fica muito mais trabalhoso. agradeço desde já que expansor de portas... normalmente melhor maneira de o fazer e ler o estado das portas para uma variavel, mudar o bit que pretendes nessa variavel e escrever essa variavel. code: [select] unsigned char estado = read_port(); estado |= 0x01; // colocar o bit 0 1 write_port(estado); mas tudo isto depende teu expansor de portas... Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > Enviar comandos via I2...

LCD printing values with delay changes all other delays

hello! want able print values lcd delay, because when values changes fast, lcd screen starts glitch. if put delay(1000) here, , under lcdprint(analogread(a#)/10); starts change tempo of sequencer well. there way put delay message in ()? i hope understand problem! br henrik /*void setup () {} #include <liquidcrystal.h> #include <spi.h> liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void loop() {     int sensorvalue = analogread(a0);   int sensorvalue2 = analogread(a1);   int sensorvalue3 = analogread(a2);   int sensorvalue4 = analogread(a3);     lcd.begin(16, 2);     lcd.setcursor(0, 0);       lcd.print(analogread(a0)/10); //if put delay(1000) here, , under lcdprint(analogread(a#)/10); starts change tempo of sequencer well.     lcd.setcursor(4, 0);     lcd.print(analogread(a1)/10);     lcd.setcursor(8, 0);     lcd.print(analogread(a2)/10);     lcd.setcursor(12, 0); ...

Hydroponic pH and conductivity sensors

i have been running automated hydroponic garden several years. expand garden , input on conductivity sensors. i have tried multiple circuits , have had problems sensor going out of calibration fast. have come new circuit test shortly. the frequency needs 1khz+ prevent polarization of ions, , build on 1 electrode on probe. the ph probe simpler , post schematics shortly. the circuit follows: c1 ______________               |                |          |                |         1nf              |                        probe c2____|               |                           |             ...

Compilation errors using #include "PDSReadProcs.h"

hi, in vs 2005 console exe application vc++ 100+ errors on including:- #include "pdsreadprocs.h" errors as:- \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(51) : error c2061: syntax error : identifier 'pddocgetstructtreeroot' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(52) : error c2059: syntax error : ')' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(64) : error c2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'nproc' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(64) : error c3646: 'nproc' : unknown override specifier \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(64) : error c2061: syntax error : identifier 'pdstreerootgetnumkids' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(64) : error c2059: syntax error : ')' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(79) : error c2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'nproc' \adobe\pdflsdk9\include\headers\pdsreadprocs.h(79) : error c36...

Thread: Cannot copy a file to secondary hard disk

had formatted secondary hard disk using partition editor after found not copy file or folder hard disk although mounted. recommended "sudo nautilus" tried , got following message: badaveil@pc:~$ sudo nautilus [sudo] password badaveil: nautilus-share-message: called "net usershare info" failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. error no such file or directory please ask system administrator enable user sharing. ** (nautilus:8828): warning **: unable add monitor: operation not supported advice? today, have upgraded ubuntu 9.04 ubuntu 9.10. upgrade clean , successful. following that, login-ed administrator, decided format secondary hard disk things found out: 1. format effective. possible copy , paste files , folder secondary hard disk. solves bug of ver 9.04. 2. possible rename hard disk (which did...

Webserver using GPIO - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey, pi noob , have been banging head against problem couple of days now. have apache webserver hosting couple of websites. works , want take next step of having button on website can turn led's on through gpio's. have set gpio's , have python script turns on , off , want goes website able push button , turn on light. problem how add button existing website can access python script. have looked @ flask , have flask interface can on local network. not sure next step is. confused means when says flask application, flask program running? need mod_wsgi , set up? if set html need put on page access this? or going down wrong path , should using php exec run python program? have looked @ tutorials , walkthroughs online none seem want. either not using apache or seem outdated. can point me in right direction this? virtually server side languages can want. know php i've not used flash before, did quick google. impression that, if you're new both, you'll learn...

Fighting New NFS Server Setup - Raspberry Pi Forums

i want setup pi nfs server. have (client) pi connects nas using nfs. but, when try connect client pi new server pi, connection hangs , times out. i've tried several ways same results. so, i'm asking help. process: set pi nfs server: install 2016-02-09-raspbian-jessie.img microsd card boot pi ssh pi setup configuration code: select all sudo raspi-config reboot ssh pi update installation , install nfs server code: select all sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-server -y response: note, selecting 'nfs-kernel-server' instead of 'nfs-server' make share directory , test file code: select all sudo mkdir /mnt/nfsserver sudo touch /mnt/nfsserver/testfile sudo chmod -r 777 /mnt/nfsserver export share directory (i know isn't particularly secure, come after works): code: select all sudo nano /etc/exports enter following: /mnt/nfsserver *(rw,sync,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) sudo ex...

can't merge separate PDFs into a single PDF

i receive following when attempting merge separate pdf files single pdf file in acrobat 8.1.2 using os 10.5.4 on imac: at least 1 file in list requires password. combined file not secured. want continue? i message file in list protected, , im prompted enter permissions password. dont know (the password have associated adobe doesnt work) or locate it. this problem has cropped recently, , must send list of pdfs instead of single file. did create pdf's? if not, looks has added security it. if did, you've inadvertently added security 1 of them. you'll need find out 1 , remove security. More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Thread: udate installer has eaten my cpu

hi- running 9.04 on dell laptop. when log in, desktop starts normal, within few seconds cpu usage monitor notes using 100% of memory , haven't started programs running yet. state can't open programs. terminal , update monitor open dialog window bt not load completely. trying open system monitor shut down whatever program doing doesn't work; system monitor starts open shuts down. think atomatic updater responsible, because when log out, tells me can't because automatic updater still rnning. can force quit @ point , log out. there can run fix this? try using failsafe gnome session , updating/upgrading there. might top , see if there's running there. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] udate installer has eaten my cpu Ubuntu

Cercare ricorrenze in una stringa...

ciao tutti, dopo svariate prove e ricerche mi sono deciso chiedere aiuto. la domanda mi sembrava talmente banale che ci ho perso un sacco di tempo pur di trovare una soluzione da solo, ma onestamente non l'ho trovata. sto lavorando con gli oggetti string ed avrei bisogno di trovare un'occorrenza all'interno di una stringa. ho provato un po' di tutto, ho anche pensato di scrivermi una funzione apposita, ma se c'è già qualcosa di pronto, perchè dover scrivere una funzione dedicata? alla fine sono approdato substring che da quanto vedo dovrebbe funzionare:, ma in realtà non funziona. ho provato buttare giù due righe di codice per testare questa funzione, ma sembra non funzionare (almeno me). secondo voi, cosa c'è di sbagliato?? code: [select] void setup() {     serial.begin(9600);     string  str="questo testo e' ok se funziona"; if (str.substring(0) == "ok") ser...

besoins de conseils pour un projet hypotétique

bonjour à tous, je m'appelle guillaume, j'ai 29 ans et j'habite dans le 06 (alpes maritimes). je n'y connais rien en électronique à part les bases vue au lycée cependant je suis électrotechnicien de métier. ce qui me fait atterrir ici est un peu long mais je vais essayé de résumer au maximum. suite à l'achat d'un terrain dans le var 83 en zone naturelle dans le de l'aménager en terrain de paintball/airsoft . j'ai eu le besoin de pouvoir le surveiller à distance et de me faire de la pub sur internet. 2 problèmes : pas d'internet et pas d'électricité. j'ai alors trouvé 2 produits existants : - les pièges de chasses photographique exemple bolygard qui correspond à 3/4 à mes besoins (permet de déclencher si présence car capteur et permet de voir la nuit et commandables à distances. 2 problèmes on reçoit les photos par email ou sms (jai pas trouvé comment les exploiter autrement) et le prix d'achat environ 450€ en france ... - une so...

Handle English documents from German installation

hello all, we generate english 3d documets german istallation. if adjust language strg+d + extended english menues (e.g. "to activate please click" or drop down menuw "views" in german language. there chance drop down menues in english languuage? furthermore if store new generated document file , reopen it, menue (e.g. measurement) not available in stored document. how activated user of document?? thank help! kersten More discussions in Rich Media & 3D adobe

Using CCD linear image sensor TCD1304AP with the Raspberry - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying construct spectrophotometer , want use linear image sensor detection. able aquire tcd1304ap few quid , wondering if knew if possible use raspberry pi read out data? specs: hi, raspberries have spi, i2c , digital i/o ports usable efficiently general purpose. ccds (this one, too) need high speed a/d converters. need complicated analog frontend. so, directly not possible use it, need build ad interface card if use other precessor, too. regards, raspberrypi

[svn] 2769: SDK-15314 - fdb is outputting additional information on framework classes using the "info sources" switch

revision: 2769 author: date: 2008-08-06 14:45:47 -0700 (wed, 06 aug 2008) log message: ----------- sdk-15314 - fdb outputting additional information on framework classes using "info sources" switch * outputting classes in "flex" , "text" packages. unfortuantely excluded classes hard-coded in fdb, improved on mechanism putting excluded packages in const array. * improved detection mechanism use actual package names discovered fdb rather path of class. previously, having "mx" @ level in path mark file framework class , exclude it; package name must *begin* "mx" (or "flex" or "text"). * removed defunct test file name being "". note: "text" **temporary** until vellum's package finalized. file separate bug track this. bugs: sdk-15314 qa: yes, please run fdb suite. doc: no reviewer: mikemo ticket links: ------------ http...

Blog categories & Main Text - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have bunch of content items (scenes play) have text in main text field, want show on 1 page (showing entire play on 1 page). can't move text intro text field because there scene descriptions in those.  there way show main text fields of category on 1 page? if joomla can't it, there component can?  i've looked on forums , and extensions section , haven't found anything. thanks! anyone?  such weird , obtuse question? can't believe (even though i've searched) nobody has ever wanted have main text fields in particulat category show on single blog page. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

[svn] 2246: Merged 3.0.x revisions [2190,2200,2206,2209-2210,2215,2218,2225 ,2245] -> trunk

revision: 2246 author: date: 2008-06-26 07:32:58 -0700 (thu, 26 jun 2008) log message: ----------- merged 3.0.x revisions [2190,2200,2206,2209-2210,2215,2218,2225,2245] -> trunk modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/trunk/build.xml flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/javascript/fabridge/samples/srcview/source/fabridge/javascript/ fabridge.js flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/javascript/fabridge/src/bridge/fabridge.js flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/airframework/src/mx/core/ flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/controls/videoclasses/ flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/managers/ flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/ flex/sdk/trunk/templates/html-templates/client-side-detection-with-history/history/histor y.js flex/sdk/trunk/templates/html-templates/express-installation-with-history/history/history .js flex/sdk/trunk/templates/html-templates/no-player-d...

[svn] 1991: Also reducing HexEncoder buffer size from 64K to 32K to help with the smaller stack size of the AVM on Mac as part of fix for SDK-15232 .

revision: 1991 author: date: 2008-06-06 19:05:02 -0700 (fri, 06 jun 2008) log message: ----------- also reducing hexencoder buffer size 64k 32k smaller stack size of avm on mac part of fix sdk-15232. qe: yes, please test mx.utils.hexencoder bytearrays larger 64k on pc , mac too. doc: no checkintests: pass bugs: sdk-15232 ticket links: ------------ modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/frameworks/projects/rpc/src/mx/utils/ More discussions in Commits adobe

[svn:fx-trunk] 5801: DataGrid now correctly manages default button when editor is active.

revision: 5801 author: date: 2009-03-31 08:57:42 -0700 (tue, 31 mar 2009) log message: ----------- datagrid correctly manages default button when editor active. bugs: sdk-20127 qe notes: none doc notes: none reviewer: alex ticket links: ------------ modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/controls/ More discussions in Commits adobe

Trouble with creating an access point..... - Raspberry Pi Forums

so have been troubleshooting several hours , have working access point devices not have internet access after connecting access point. set pi tp link tl-w722n wifi adapter following guide here... config files: network interfaces; auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet manual auto wlan0 inet static address netmask #allow-hotplug wlan0 #iface wlan0 inet manual #wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf #iface default inet manual #auto wlan1 #allow-hotplug wlan1 #iface wlan1 inet manual #wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/udhcpd.conf # sample udhcpd configuration file (/etc/udhcpd.conf) # start , end of ip lease block start #default: end #default: # interface udhcpd use interface wlan0 #default: eth0 # maximim number of l...

dialog box and arduino

hi everyone, i need help. working on project , not able finish it. have create dialog box interface arduino problem seems dialog box has problems send values arduino. supposed enter value dialog box , make led blink number of time. maybe if gave full description of project might have chance of working out talking about. dialogue box on what?? weedpharma Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > dialog box and arduino arduino

How to use the PDF Funtion with content from own components - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, is there way use joomla pdf functionality news etc. pages of own components? tried copy code pdf button component detail view didn`t work expected. could give me small example, or description of function write pdf? the link detail view "/index.php?option=com_vereine&itemid=43&id=2" thx, below i can give exact advice under joomla! 1.5.  generally must create link pdf parameter , in controll file load data database , place in file create pdf. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.0 Coding

Does Joomla work with free emails? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does joomla's email form work gmail/yahoo/hotmal/other free email accounts? im asking question contact form not work, email article link(next pdf , print above article) not work. does joomla require use email id of domain installed in? for eg if have installed joomla on have use email id ? or fine too? i hosting website through free hosting plan. smtp of account not activated. not have domain name, instead use hosting companies subdomain. i tried sending emails self, says email sent not reach email inbox. went global configuration > mail , filled in fields the email address in site > global configuration > mail > mail from: same 1 in components > contacts > contact manager > josh > e-mail: this wrote mailer: php mail function    mail from:   (myemail) from name: josh    sendmail path:   /usr/sbin/sendmail smtp auth:    no smtp user: (blank) smtp pass: (blank)    smtp ...

Read more link and comment link at the same line - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

please check thiw 2 images... text on language... serbian first how right looking news as can see, there news tittle, date, news, , end link cooment, , @ bottom more information on link i need comment link , read on link @ same line, @ image two i have tried change files in folder component/com_content/ nothing if use web develoer tools in firefox, option editing html code, can work out, preview, must go php file that.... site... hi it depends ont css of template , way code output 2 links. here's try: the read more link uses class called readon if set readon class float left, may bring comment code next it. regards brendon Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x