
Showing posts from February, 2015

Vector table init at rpi2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! have troubles printing info occurred exception. mentioned in subj target rpi2 i.e. bcm2836 , cortex a-7 followed kind of setup how vectors initialized , copied zeroth address code: select all .globl _start _start: ldr pc,add_handler_00 ldr pc,add_handler_04 ldr pc,add_handler_08 ldr pc,add_handler_0c ldr pc,add_handler_10 ldr pc,add_handler_14 ldr pc,add_handler_18 ldr pc,add_handler_1c add_handler_00: .word reset add_handler_04: .word handler_04 add_handler_08: .word handler_08 add_handler_0c: .word handler_0c add_handler_10: .word handler_10 add_handler_14: .word handler_14 add_handler_18: .word handler_18 add_handler_1c: .word handler_1c // entry point uart bootloader reset: mov r0,#0x8000 mov r1,#0x0000 // setup vectors ldmia r0!,{r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9} stmia r1!,{r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9} ldmia r0!,{r2,r3,...

Thread: odd file permissions problem

hi, have added second user system , want share data them. have therefore added both of group "users". stuff isn't working way i'd expect, however: create directory such has permissions: drwxrwxr-x 2 me users can read , write , can other user. however, if make: drwxrwxr-x 2 otheruser users /can't/ write other user can. /etc/groups tells me in group users can't work out what's going on , why weird asymmetry exists. have ideas? rob ah. had log in , out. works. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] odd file permissions problem Ubuntu

distiller missing text and image links when saving to pdf

not sure if has experienced issue before. create artwork 1up in indesign cs3 , print postscript file "print ready settings" create pdf through distiller 8.1.2. after imposition 1up pdf indesign (using pdf link , step , repeat it) print new imposed artwork postscript file again , distill pdf ready offset printing. most time process works dream, every , distiller doesn't want process file correctly , images , text have dropped off final imposed pdf file. doesnt notify me of problems when distilling. can imagine working in print industry scary as using common 1up pdf link imposition should correct, (all pdf linked images should same anyway) memory issue, or bug in distiller perhaps. im running mac osx 10.4.11 2gig of ram. if see sample of issue let me know. any on awesome. your workflow similar bringing home chinese takeaway, placing in a blender, freezer, de-frosting , complaining doesn't taste same? you need keep refrying content since pdf postscript , a...

Raise without a handler error

running adobe acrobat 8.12 professional. whenever attempt use text edit tools or redact tools, receive error message stating "there raise without handler. application exit." posts i've seen on issue involve program 'pitstop," is not on computer. i've uninstalled, repaired permissions, , re-installed, no success. it's running on 15" macbookpro running leopard. thank you. i error message when try scan duplex epson v500 scanner adf. after scans sides either displays message , quits or crashes option send error report apple. i'm running acrobat pro 8.1.2, mac os 10.4.11 on intel macbook pro using epson driver version 3.27a. another anomaly configuration after first scan using epson scan double clicking on pdf file no longer opens file. os go acrobat files no longer open. closing acrobat , opening again fix problem. thanks can provide. joel More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Acrobat 7 Pro: how to reduce file size?

last year, created pdfs indesign cs web-access. 752 kb 28pp., including jpg covers, , 2.1 mb 56pp., including jpg covers. since then, have upgraded office 2008, although saving earlier .doc files. have had cause reinstall acrobat. i have created 2 indesign files of 25 , 39 pp., generating pdfs of 1 mb , 34.2 mb, respectively (so far without graphics or jpgs). have no idea has gone wrong. the obvious change using bookman old style throughout, last year used tnr , arial. any suggestions reducing file size gratefully accepted. (i have tried obvious options , 1 or 2 suggested acrobat help.) thanks, guy >i have tried obvious options , 1 or 2 suggested acrobat help. unless tell you've tried, how can you? More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Acrobat 8 hangs when selecting "Help" menu...

i'm running latest (all updates of today) version of acrobat pro , latest version of os x 10.5.4 on mac pro. whenever move mouse of menu, acrobat stall  first old wristwatch, beachball spins. takes between @ least 1-2 minutes before can again. if don't sit there , wait (ie. if go program), gotta whole thing on again. anyone else experience this? i've tried permission repairs, deleted prefs, etc. etc. any appreciated! thanks, kristin. kristin, what happens if create new user? mike More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Thread: Need to disable gdm

does know how disable gdm (gnome) can boot command line in 9.10? one of ways run code: sudo sysv-rc-conf in terminal , remove x's using space bar in line starting gdm. alternatively can access console using <ctrl><alt><f1> when gdm running. luck Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Need to disable gdm Ubuntu

PID controller C - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, using raspberry pi pid temp controller, using 2 arduino boards lesser nodes in distributed system, each arduinos interface sensors , actuators. raspberry pi central node have pid controller on receives messages on can , sends messages on can actuator board. have tutorial or previous project uses raspberry pi pid controller in c? jonny i have book called c unleashed . 1 of many topics how pid control in c. if want can upload source code somewhere , post link here, or mail code directly raspberrypi

Petit dilemme entre 2 alimentations

bonjour, je cherche alimenter un projet de prise 220v télécommandée (ir + rf) et qui indique le courant consommé (rf). mon projet : - arduino pro mini 5v, atmega328 - tsop 4838 (réception du signal ir) - module relay 5v - nrf24l01+  + adaptateur 5v-3.3v - module acs712 (mesure du courant ac) - bouton poussoir (pour mettre en mode "apprentissage") - led (indication de l'état du relay + clignote en mode apprentissage) le tout dans un boîtier de dérivation, je posterais mon code et les photos du projet fini. pour l'alimentation du projet, j'hésite entre 2 options : - soit un convertisseur ac-dc 9v (±0.1v) 500ma relié au pin raw de la mini (qui passe par le régulateur donc) - soit un convertisseur ac-dc 5v (±0.2v) 700ma, relié directement au pin vcc voyez-vous une préférence pour l'une ou l'autre des alim ? pensez-vous à une autre solution ? merci de votre aide salut ce sujet te donera peut'etre une reponse : http://forum...

unterschiedliche Größen bei unterschiedlichen Arduino Versionen

hallo zusammen, zur zeit programmiere ich ein kleines projekt (lüftersteuerung mit luftfeuchte-/temperaturmessung). dazu verwendete ich die arduino 1.0.5 ide auf einem laptop mit win 8.1, seit heute auch arduino 1.0.6. weil ich einigen stellen ziemlich kämpfen musste und ich auch nach dem ausmerzen etlicher selbstgebauter fallen und fehler der eindruck hatte, dass manche schleifen nicht laufen, wie sie sollten, nahm ich den kompletten sketch samt dht library auf mein netbook unter linux (mint). dort ist die arduino ide 1.0.5 installiert. ohne jegliche Änderung lief die kompilierung durch, jedoch im ergebnis mit deutlich kleinerer größe! auf der lüftersteuerungs-hardware läuft die software ebenso wie das kompilat vom windowrechner. um die sache zu überprüfen, schrieb ich einen kleinen testsketch "flip-flop" (eine taste digitalen eingang, zwei leuchtdioden, alles auf einen alten 2009er arduino), wobei beim drücken der taste eine leuchtdiode aus -> ein -> aus ges...

Viderestilling - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej allesammen, jeg er igang med mit første joomla site. jeg har lavet en index side hvor man kan oprette en bruger og loggein, når man så er logget ind skal man viderestilles til index2.php. har også fundet mit cb login, hvor jeg kan "login redirection url" og den går også ind på index2.php men indholdet på index.php kan ikke vises der skriver den bare: direct access location not allowed. er der nogen der har en ide til hvordan jeg kan løse det? på forhånd tak kasper // frankewebdk Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Administration - Generel brug

Supported Catia Versions

which versions of catia v5 supported acrobat 3d ? r14, r15, r16 ? how long take till new catia version supported ? axel we using catia v5 r16 in our shop , acrobat 3d not import r16 files. "capture" model catia pdf document works quite well. have have catia , running on system, work. supporting latest version of catia worldwide headache right now. nothing have found other catia or enovia viewer (just stripped down catia) can open catia r16 model. nick More discussions in Rich Media & 3D adobe

Issue with addAsync

hi, i have issue addasync handler function not invoked when event fired. not work use addasync in deeper function calls below code. the player fire mediacomplete event correct handler never called. know has ideas of problem is? here flow of code: - play video - let plays 10 seconds (wait none existing event) - seek end of time elapse - verify video stopped playing public function testvidseekbeyondlength():void { var uuid:string = "7b992781-37f7-4abd-a948-f7d540237aa7"; player.instance.addeventlistener(events.videoloaded, addasync(putvideoplayfor10secs, 45000, null, null)); player.instance.callmethod("playid", uuid); } private function putvideoplayfor10secs(e:event):void { player.instance.removeeventlistener(e.type, putvideoplayfor10secs); player.instance.addeventlistener(events.notexist, addasync(neverinvoke, 10000, null, verifyvidseekbeyondlength)); } private function verifyvidseekbeyondlength(e:event):void { player.instance.removeeventlisten...

Sabrent HB-U930 USB hub not seen at all by Pi Zero - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've tried lsusb , dmesg. former i'm doesn't detect usb hub, , find looked promising in latter. no devices plugged seen either , when monitored activity on usb port there absolutely nothing when plugging in or unplugging it, whereas both logitech receiver , edimax wifi dongle triggered plenty of activity. yet windows 10 laptop works fine, though couldn't see hub in device manager or devices , printers, maybe that's normal usb hubs. else on amazon reported worked fine raspberry pi 2b. issue of needing updates? downloaded standard version of noobs last week , installed on microsd. can't on internet on pi 0 because can't have wifi dongle , dongle keyboard , mouse combo plugged in @ same time without hub. tried various things lsusb via sleep command , plugging usb hub in, won't work updates because need log locked wifi first. here link product page usb hub: opted usb 3.0 hub because laptop has ports , ...

[svn] 936: Update AIR and Flash Player builds

revision: 936 author: date: 2008-03-26 12:43:50 -0700 (wed, 26 mar 2008) log message: ----------- update air , flash player builds air: 20080325apms.2 player:r124 modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/frameworks/libs/player/playerglobal.swc flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/air/mac/air integration kit.tbz2 flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/air/win/air integration flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/lnx/flashplayer.tar.gz flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/lnx/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/lnx/ flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/mac/flash flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/mac/install flash player 9 ub.dmg flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/win/flashplayer.exe flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/win/install flash player 9 activex.exe flex/sdk/branches/3.0.x/in/player/win/install flash player 9 plugin.exe More discussions in Commits adobe

lcd.print problem

hi all, this first post, got arduino starter kit couple of days ago , have been working through projects. decided wanted challenge myself , came idea control servo potentiometer , have angle @ displayed on lcd. all went breadboarding , works fine except display, have says [angle: 0] on start , increase [angle: 178] want.  but problem comes when decrease angle, keep 2 digits if has been double figures or 3 if triple. for example; if move servo 100 0 display [angle: 027] (the last 2 digits seem random, never same) i dont think have explained sorry. the code have in loop is:   void loop(){   potval = analogread(potpin);   serial.print(" pot val: ");   serial.print(potval);   deg = map(potval, 0, 1023, 0, 178);   serial.print(" angle: ");   serial.print(deg);   lcd.setcursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("angle: ");   lcd.setcursor(7, 0);   lcd.print(deg);   myservo.write(deg);   delay(15); }...

[svn] 3924: Fixed interface multiple inheritance issue.

revision: 3924 author: date: 2008-10-28 07:17:38 -0700 (tue, 28 oct 2008) log message: ----------- fixed interface multiple inheritance issue. tests passed: checkintests needs qa: yes needs doc: no bug fixes: sdk-16307 api change: no reviewer: pete code-level description of changes: modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/as3/reflect/ modified getgetter() , getsetter() use interfacenames instead of supertypename when looking inherited getter/setter of interface. ticket links: ------------ modified paths: -------------- flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/as3/reflect/ More discussions in Commits adobe

Pi zero worked out the box - Raspberry Pi Forums

ordered yesterday , arrived today. had 8g sd card ready , loaded osmc/wifi details, inserted that. plugged in wifi dongle. inserted usb phone charger. no hdmi (headless) waited few minutes. appeared on network , putty it. brill jim i had problems getting mine going until started on , did did. same setup wifi , ssh. tried hook wifi dongle, mouse, , keyboard 2 different usb hubs , not work either. when built sd card on pi worked first time. raspberrypi

Thread: Download Speed(s)

is there reason why ubuntu caps download speed @ around 100-200 kb/s. if yes, how go around this? 1 mb/s on xp desktop using same wired connection. in advance. are downloading similar files same source? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Download Speed(s) Ubuntu

Raspbarry VOIP - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. use raspberry pi viop regular cumputer(windows 10). suggestion on best operating system should use, , free viop software? hope not use skype, not work in local network. answers remi_for wrote: i use raspberry pi viop regular cumputer(windows 10). suggestion on best operating system should use, , free viop software? try uv4l, supports two-way p2p audio/video pc<->rpi2, or two-way audio/video via jisti meet on web rpi2 <-> jitsi cloud<-> other rpi/pc. works out of box major browsers or smartphones under chrome, firefox, opera windows/linux/android/whatever os: ... e&artid=14 ... twoway.png ... #example16 raspberrypi

Home Automation. Need some Ideas - Raspberry Pi Forums

so i'm completly new single board computers want before start tell situation. i'm 16 years old , i'm still living @ home have 1 room ! thought controlling sockets , jalousie. have touchscreen have put next door , connect rasp. next thing have bought cheap 433 mhz sender control cheap ebay remote sockets , found jalousie thing works on 433mhz. work thought or there better way control ? not sure doe if 433mhz freqruenzy control stuff unversial remote . every idea appreiciated btw not sure if sub forum questioning or not , if not please move , thanks! raspberrypi

Getting full analog resolution readings from 10-30V high voltage sensor output

i have sensor gives out readings of between 0 - 10v , want able map entire 0 - 10v 0 - 1023 range analog readings on arduino. important need full resolution of 0 - 10v application requires high accuracy sensor reading. sensor using high grade industrial quality type. the normal way use voltage divider circuit break high voltage smaller voltages arduino can safely read within 0 - 5v range. problem approach lose full resolution of high voltage sensor output. to illustrate:- lets have 0 - 30v sensor output range. using normal approach, use 6 resistors in series , 10k ohms each, break 30 v 6 5-volt readings across each resistor, connect reading across first resistor 0 - 5v analog read of arduino. using method, reducing resolution of sensor 6 times. i have attached image of trying accomplish sensor output range of 0 - 10v. there means of mapping 5 - 10v range across second resistor 0 - 5v range safe arduino? i have searched google , arduino forum wasn't able find solution. sol...

real time vehicle tracking system - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone, i'm thinking on making real time vehicle tracking system using raspberry project. i'm newbie raspberry. want advice on gps gprs gsm module use project. found these 1 comes expasion shield , module sim908 ... -pi-sim908 1 comes expasion shield , module sim928 ... 28_gsm_gps ... _raspberry in both cases have buy antennas gps , gprs. because i'm starter on don't know work. tips me. there other modules apart ones proposed? hola todos, estoy pensando en hacer un proyecto de monitoreo de vehiculos en tiempo real utilizando raspberry. soy nuevo con esto. quisiera consejo en el modulo gps grps gsm utilizar para el proyecto. encontrado los siguientes este viene con el shiled de expansiín y el modulo sim098 ... -pi-sim908 este viene con el shield de expasión y el modulo sim928 por sep...

How to add/change module position? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can add/change moduel position? i tried @ preview->inline positions, see how module placed, of modules seem placed under each others?? is wrong? site looks great though... thanx in advance.. if go module section in administrator part can see different options each different module. instance main menu module positioned left. in program dreamweaver can add different mosloadmodules copying other ones , naming different (be sure name exists, it's not taken). when copy module somewhere preffered , link in administrator panel should show there...  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

I don't understand how the forums in Spanish are organized

1. first problem. if go page scroll down "foros internacionales" button (that's see although of rest of page in english), click on , on "españa" button, i'm taken here where first item in list 2 weeks old. there top participants box, @ present 2 names, 1 of them mine. , if open profile of either, find list of recent messages, including of today. , if click on title of 1 of these messages, i'm taken (for example) here: and route shown as: > adobe forums > international forums > foros de usuario usuario > spain general discussion > discussions but route if open of messages in window old messages > adobe forums > international forums > foros de usuario usuario > discussions one missing step, perhaps explaining different result. 2. second problem. in none of 2...

UTFT library pin editing

hello. think burned arduino due digital pin 30. lcd uses pin. maybe here knows how edit henning karlsen's utft library use pin? lcd driver: ssd1289 due chip: sam3x8e thanks in advice! hello, which shield using connect tft arduino? utft uses port manipulations, because it's faster manipulating pins individually. don't have due don't know how hard modify utft. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > UTFT library pin editing arduino

8x8 Bicolor LED Matrix with MAX7219

hello everyone, i'm following circuit below hook 8x8 bicolor led matrix. far, hooked matrix correctly i'm not sure if i'm using right resistor. right now, led light , display pattern below, if try upload other patterns not change. leds supposed red showing orange @ moment. i'm using 10uf , .1uf capacitor. i'm using 33k ohm resistor connect pin 18 5v power. (this guess since don't know forward voltage or amplitude of matrix. i'm using led matrix site: any assistance appreciated! the max7219 can not drive bi-colour matrix there not enough outputs that. quote also leds supposed red showing orange @ moment. that means red , green leds both being lit up. have got data sheet matrix pin numbers don't mean without one. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing ...

Premiere 5.1

ich produziere videos mit ihrem programm adobe premiere 5.1 beim export von filmen aus dem schnittfenster, zwecks überspielen auf videoband, mußte ich leider jetzt wiederholt feststellen, daß viele frames verloren gehen, doch sehr störend wirkt, beim betrachten des videos auf dem fernseher. wodran kann das liegen ??? betriebssystem: windows 98 ich habe eine mirovideo dc30 serie pinnacle systems inc. version 1.41a More discussions in Deutsche Foren adobe

[CLOSED]Voting and cookies - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

if cookies disabled (firefox, web developer extension 1.1.3 "cookies -> disable cookies -> cookies"), if try vote, "403 - access denied". it nice informed have enable cookies vote poll. either in list on error page:   1.  out-of-date bookmark/favourite   2. search engine has out-of-date listing site   3. mis-typed address   4. have no access page   5. requested resource not found or in grey box (on error page) instead of "request forbidden" or when click "vote"... i agree Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved

EXIF Daten löschen bzw. editieren in PSE 4.0 (WIN)

hat jemand eine idee, einen tip, wie ich denn nun exif-daten löschen und/oder editieren kann? über >datei >dateiinformationen komme ich einfach nicht weiter. ich möchte exif daten ganz selektiv bearbeiten können oder aber auch vollständig löschen können. p.s. mir ist schon klar, daß ich das über >für web speichern machen könnte. dadurch werden alle daten gelöscht. das ich aber u.u. auch nicht unbedingt. es könnte ja auch mal sein, daß ich nur ganz bestimmte exifdaten für das web freigeben möchte. und mit diesen xmp-files komme ich irgendwie ganz und gar nicht zurecht. also - wie habe ich die "totale kontrolle" über die exifdaten??? hat da jemand "rein zufällig" eine griffige "schritt für schritt anleitung" parat? wäre ja klasse! und vielen dank schon mal! hallo klaus, hast du schon mal das programm exifer ausprobiert? hatte es mal kurzzeitig auf dem rechner. ich meine, d...

Programmatically scaling CLKO

hi, have external chip (ad5933 interface arduino. ad5933 has own 16 mhz internal oscillator, need clock signals lower well, 4 mhz, 2 mhz, 1 mhz, 250 khz, 100 khz, 50 khz, , 25 khz. though, settle 2 mhz . there no way scale ad5933's internal oscillator. since interfacing ad5933 arduino, know can output arduino's clock changing bit 6 of "low_fuses" per post but, wondering if possible change clock output within arduino sketch since need dynamically change ad5933's clock input (which arduino). arduino responding serial events controlling other functions of ad5933, makes impossible use pwm this. great. thanks. why not ds1077? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Que...

Anyone running Joomla on a shared server? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i running joomla minimal core scripts , 3 3rd party mods.... i average 23,000 hits per day , host lunar pages reports exceeding alloted cpu usage shared server (like 4 times much). is using joomla on shared server? have alot of traffic? have had problem? lunar pages telling me need dedicated server...and cannot believe that. is joomla of php resource hog? cms resource hogs? any advice appreciated i guess it's nice problem have. yes, joomla in experience can resource hungry, no more other cms. make sure pages optimased , templates lean , mean, images small , on. sounds know doing. one thing noticed hosts advertise "unlimited" , that, when comes down they'll kick out when exceed limit. "unlimited" pipe dream. it's impossible. if have traffic dedicated server may not bad idea. know want 1 if site busy. trick purchase reseller account. give bit more space , bandwidth , more control on server itself. Board index Joomla! Older...

Coding question - Align image on the screen

hello all! new forum , c+ please gentle me. i have open source code written 3.2" tft lcd screen iphone buttons on it. able install code on arduino 2650 mega , see on 7" tft lcd screen in top left corner. point of using code make sure written correctly , linked correct pins. want show images in center of 7" screen cant figure out life of me correct coordinates.  code below loads sample images fine in top left corner (landscape). how find out coordinates of location want show images? screen 800 x 480. logo image 378x268 , copy image 149 x 47. code: [select] void setup() {   randomseed(analogread(0));     // setup lcd   myglcd.initlcd(0);   myglcd.setfont(smallfont);     // init sd card   file.setsspin(53);   file.initfat(spispeed_veryhigh);      // clear screen   myglcd.clrscr();   // boot logo   myfiles.loadbitmap(26, 80, 188, 72, "logo.raw");   myfiles.loadbitmap(53, 1...

Arduino compatibile O.O

salve tutti, leggendo vari siti che parlano di arduino sono arrivato vari siti che usano arduino compatibile...cosa sarebbe? cosa cambia? grazie semplicemente delle schedine che usano gli stessi tipi di mcu della atmel e possiedono un'architettura compatibile con arduino, ma non sono prodotti da arduino ... funzionano lo stesso e sono perfettamente legali. diverso e' il discorso dei "cloni" illegali, che usano disegni e nomi sulle schede identici quelli di arduino (quindi marchi registrati usati illecitamente da chi non ne ha titolo), per far credere che siano la stessa scheda, mentre invece non lo sono ... Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino compatibile O.O arduino

Thread: partition, root?

good day, quick question im confused on. ive got second partition (ext4) general use, though im finding have root/sudo able use it? secondly going use smaller fat32 partition share files between windows 7 , ubuntu, such emails can accessed both systems using thunderbird, should watching out for. best regards! weird entire partition protected. atleast /home/username should open user usage, without sudo interfering. regard second question, ext4 can access windows folders without issue. while installing ubuntu option export windows stuff ubuntu(eg internet explorer, etc). enable sync few applications on 2 operating systems. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] partition, root? Ubuntu

Transcoder-Problem bei Adobe Encore 1.5

hallo zusammen, ich habe eine komplete dvd erstellt. dieser beinhaltet, das menü, video und 2 tonspuren. beim erstellen der dvd wird mir eine fehlermeldung gezeigt: "fehler beim einrichten des transcoders" dies erscheint auch dann, wenn ich die tonspuren einzeln transcodieren möchte. bei der video-spur geht dies alles ohne probleme. der suport konnte mir nicht direkt weiterhelfen, da dieses problem dort "noch" unbekannt sei. wer hat ev. schon damit erfahrungen gemacht und kann mir helfen?? danke hey hast du das problem gelöst bekommen ich habe jetzt lange zeit später auch dieses problem. More discussions in Deutsche Foren adobe

Adobe Encore DVD 1.5 - Endaktion+RemoteMenü

hallo, ich habe mal unter disc das projekt geprüft und da steht, remote-menü ist nicht festgelegt,genauso die endaktion. vor allem bei den schnittfenstern. was ist das? info: ich habe mehrere schnittfenster. a) schnittfenster wo ein film drinn ist der ohne kapitel durchgängig von der dvd abgespielt wird. b) einen ganzen film in einem schnitfenster, mit kapiteln. das heißt, auf der einen menü-seite greift der button 'film starten' aus dem hauptmenü auf dieses schnittfenster zu, und es greifen auch die szenenwahlbuttons im menü zur szenenwahl auf dieses schnittfenster zu. also hier meine fragen: 1) ist bei einem schnittfenster die endaktion, und vor allem die remote-menü einstellung? 2) wie mache ich das in dem spezielen fall, das zwei orte des dvd-menüs auf dieses schnittfenster zugreifen? vielleicht pro butten, das 'film starten' sein eigenes schnittfenster bekommt, und auch die szenenwahl im 'szenenwahl-menü' sein eigenes schnittf...

Thread: When did you really get into computers?

i ask because think i'm getting hooked , i'm 24. feel late bloomer! i felt late bloomer @ nine. time wasted playing dos games when have been doing more! *obsession buying classic macs , opening them , connecting random parts started after* Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe When did you really get into computers? Ubuntu

Content Restriction Module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i mis major @ ut working on project family member. have php background, none extensive. essentially, person doing project computer illiterate :-p.  want website ( ) can allow them update information on different investment projects manage (as of spend 20 minutes week on phone , sending emails... 50 different investors on 4 different projects). updates want post include: > news style postings viewed public >> news style postings viewed registered users >>> news style postings viewed users invest in project >>> document style posts (excel spreadsheets, word docs, etc...) viewed users invest in project i have searched 2-3 hours , haven't come idea of cleanest way this.  thought post see how more joomla savvy developers go it. i semi comfortable inserting custom php statements... need know page , sort of psuedo-code if proposed solution. i have stay in computer lab 5 hours internship i'll continue , update... aim thisbe...

Office 2008 Fonts - Best Management Techniques

hi, manage our fonts extensively (using suitcase fusion), , bare minimum system fonts left handled system. use lot of our own fonts override system fonts, etc. keep real clean. so got new ms office 2008 suite. comes 130 fonts. lot fonts have. .ttf versions of postscript fonts have. upgraded versions of fonts shipped previous versions of office. - have handle , management strategy of these fonts? - how preference keeping our postscript versions vs. tt fonts included? i've heard fonts included unicode. value? we not want have multiple versions of same fonts. in past our postscript versions of fonts more complete, having greater range of weights, etc. don't know if office apps need unicode functionality of these new tt fonts. we prefer use opentype fonts exclusively going forward, can't purchase yet 3rd version of these crazy fonts. any ideas??? office 2007/2008 (and vista) come brand-new typefaces, of start "c." full set calibri, candara, constantia, corbel...

Thread: D-Link DWA-160> Can't install drivers- Advice Please

i running jaunty , have d-link dwa-160. have tried drivers work no luck. please give me on this? apparently there 2 varieties - revision & b - different chipsets; label should tell have. if use search funtion here should find answer. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] D-Link DWA-160> Can't install drivers- Advice Please Ubuntu

serial LCD problem (avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00)

im trying lcd work, , "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00". arduino uno r3.   this display. the pins on display wired such "pin1 connected digital pin 1(tx), pin2 connected ground, , pin3 connected 5v. orientation lcd pins on top left when looking @ display front. if disconnect digital pin 1 on arduino sketch upload, still doesnt work when hook up. code: [select] /*   nkc electronics 16x2 serial lcd test    16x2 serial lcd pinout uart serial communication pin 1: rx pin 2: gnd pin 3: +5v connect pin1 arduino digital pin 1 connect pin2 arduino gnd connect pin3 arduino +5v default communication speed 9600  */   char esc = 0xfe;   void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);      // initialize lcd module   serial.write(esc);   serial.write(0x41);   serial.write(esc);   seri...

yun SPI problem

i have started play yun spi bus , not seem work @ all. have used spi loads of times , arduino spi code looks simple, change setting select pin 10 , standard spi functions. i did have teensy board hook up, no scoping out pins , not seeing coming yun. code: [select] // inslude spi library: #include <bridge.h> #include <yunserver.h> #include <yunclient.h> #include <spi.h> // set pin 10 slave select digital pot: const int slaveselectpin = 10; void setup() {   // set slaveselectpin output:   pinmode (slaveselectpin, output);   // initialize spi:   spi.begin(); } void loop() {   do{       digitalpotwrite(0x55, 0x55);       delay(1000);   }   while(1); } void digitalpotwrite(int address, int value) {   // take ss pin low select chip:   digitalwrite(slaveselectpin, low);   //  send in address , value via spi:   spi.transfer(address);   spi.transfer(value);   // t...

Can't able to access serial port on Raspberry pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

when executing code prompting below.. file "", line 2, in <module> ser=serial.serial('/dev/ttyama0/') file "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/", line 260, in __init__ file "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/", line 276, in open raise serialexception("could not open port %s: %s" % (self._port, msg)) serial.serialutil.serialexception: not open port /dev/ttyama0/: [errno 20] not directory: '/dev/ttyama0/' pls hlp me i'm struggling on here the device name /dev/ttyama0 not /dev/ttyama0/ remove trailing / name code: select all ser=serial.serial('/dev/ttyama0') raspberrypi

Thread: Cannot Add Launchers to Desktop

hi everyone! have done clean install of ubuntu 9.10, , have noticed cannot use "add launcher desktop" button on links in applications menu. whenever right click on icon in applications, regular menu comes up, , able add launchers panel, not desktop. now, creating launchers scratch on desktop. tell me how fix bug? thanks! edit: can't make launchers right clicking on desktop , clicking on create launcher! can use dialog box comes up, when hit ok, nothing happens. well... can right click desktop , create one, drag menu, drag folder , on. hope helps. sorry... didn't see edit. did try drag program menu? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Cannot Add Launchers to Desktop Ubuntu

font substitution when using PDFLPrintDoc() convert pdf to ps

i using pdf library 8.1 now. in our application, use pdflprintdoc() convert pdf ps. encountered terriable problem currently. font helvetica, added our application when pringing, substituated arialmt. anybody know how prevent happenning? know works in our old application uses pdf library 7 convert. any input appreciated. since pdfl licensee - recommend file formal support incident adobe or datalogics. More discussions in Acrobat SDK adobe

SD Card Error on second pass of loop

hi all, i using section of code sd examples when testing in loop on first pass output "card initialised as  expected , on subsequent loops presents card failed, or not present error message. i don't understand why happen. code: [select] void cardstart() {   serial.print("initializing sd card...");   digitalwrite(chipselect, high);   delay(50);   // see if card present , can initialized:   if (!sd.begin(chipselect)) {     serial.println("card failed, or not present");     // don't more:     while (1) ;   }   serial.println("card initialized."); } any or explanations appreciated always i made simple code mail me: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > SD Card Error on second pass o...

RPI2 - sometimes won't boot - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm running rpi2 2.5amp charger in headless mode, usb-powered harddrive connected rpi. thing has been 100% stable on last several months 0 issues. went through apt-get update/upgrade last week, , thing intermittently booting. in likelihood, it's not related update/upgrade, thing can think of causing problem. charger top-notch 1 - canakit, 5v, 2.5a , has no problem powering pi , usb harddrive (those connected devices). when reboot via ssh, solid red light , no act led (green/yellow light) reading card. after plugging, unplugging charger , sometimes, inserting sd card image (and booting it), able boot successfully. am looking @ possible card corruption issues, , what's best way fix? example, should backup card, format, , re-image it? note: did rpi-update firmware, , appears have gone away i'm able reboot no problems. weird... additional: i'm not over-clocking card. thanks. raspberrypi

New Project: Wireless display

hi! i working on new hobby-ist project: - wireless display (normally) wired device. the wired device in question temperature sensor, connect computer via uusb-to-usb connection , open java software (which looks based on labview). , can read temperature of probes connect device. what want sort of dongle connects of device (via micro-usb port) , acts pass through wireless antenna android devices using bluetooth (maybe ios too, know thats ordeal dont want right now). my question is: - done? (i have basic programming, soldering , design skills) - there maybe out there? i own teensy development board use base dongle, this additionally house battery (since device runs off power supplied off usb, not there). quote from: quick_questions on jan 30, 2015, 11:37 pm - done? i suspect lot easier think assuming teensy has @ least 1 serial port don't think need usb dongle or whatever. connect $7 bluetooth module serial port , off , running. draw attention bluetooth ...

Seltsames Verhalten bei einer einfachen Widerstandsmessung (gestern ging's noch)

hallo zusammen, ich habe ein ganz einfache schaltung . 5v gehen vorwiederstand gehen --> geht analog in --> und geht grd die console zeigt 5 volt; alles ok gestern hatte ich noch einen schalter und einen zweiten wiederstand, damit ich wenig wenig mit der widerstandsmessung spielen konnte. heute spinnt die console total. auch wenn ich nichts angeschlossen habe, gibt mir die console volterwerte kleiner als 5 volt aus. was noch besser ist: das ist kein konstanter wert, sondern die voltzahl ändert sich dauern! kann es sein, dass der untergrund auf dem der arduino liegt, leitet? aber wenn ich den arduino in die finger nehme, müsste er doch 5 v anzeigen; selbst das nicht! danke, viele grüße mario alles soweit richtig. aber wie genau sieht deine schaltung von oben aus? 5v -- widerstand -- ax -- widerstand -- gnd wenn so, dann war die korrekt. du jetzt hast ist ganz normal. das liegt dem unbeschalteten eingang. du fängst dir störungen ein. ...

New Arduino programming

hi all, i'm new here, , new arduino devices. i've bought 2 devices arduino uno , due. my purpose using arduino toggle gpios of devices i'll connect arduino gpios other boards/devices, , reset boards using arduino gpios. and need connect arduino ubuntu 14.04, because boards connected server , i'm running tests on boards, , during tests need reset boards (using arduino). i've 2 questions: 1. how can see gpios of arduino in ububtu? can toggle gpios linux? 2. can wrote sw on arduino input ubuntu , knows toggle gpios? please need in this, thanks, hanna this demo shows how communicate arduino using python . developed on ubuntu. you may interested in simple gui demo . ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > New Arduino programming arduino

3.18.0 kernel headers and SPI - Raspberry Pi Forums

i trying gpib work on rpi b+, following guide: ... ment-79630 use linux-gpib, need kernel headers, , newest ones seem ones of version 3.18. installed using code: select all sudo apt-get install linux-image-rpi-rpfv sudo apt-get install linux-headers-rpi-rpfv however, using kernel, spi pins stop working code: select all ls /dev/*spi* shows no devices. when going 4.x kernel, spi works again. reading regarding "device tree" changed in version 3.18, it's not clear if 3.18.0 before or after change. grateful tips on how spi work 3.18.0 kernel, or up-to-date kernel headers, can use them build linux-gpib thanks use rpi-source ( / ) raspberrypi

VirtualWire 315MHz Send Integer

hallo, ich verwende zwei arduinos, ein 315 mhz empfänger und einen sender. code empfänger: code: [select] /*   simplereceive   sketch displays text strings received using virtualwire   connect receiver data pin arduino pin 11 */ #include <virtualwire.h> byte message[vw_max_message_len]; // buffer store incoming messages byte messagelength = vw_max_message_len; // size of message void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("device ready");   vw_setup(2000); // bits per sec   vw_rx_start(); // start receiver } void loop() {   if (vw_get_message(message, &messagelength)) // non-blocking   {     serial.print("received: ");     (int = 0; < messagelength; i++)     {       serial.write(message[i]);     }     serial.println();   } } code sender: code: [select] #include <virtualwire.h> // pin 12 - data unsigned long time; vo...

Thread: 9.10: One Happy Chappy

i guess 1 of lucky ones. have popped spare disc laptop , installed 9.10. have restored data (from home folders) saved usb stick disc has 9.04 version on , working perfectly. far concerned big thank-you should go developers , testers of karmic koala. job of reloading apps had running on 9.04. happy days. posted softpops i guess 1 of lucky ones. have popped spare disc laptop , installed 9.10. have restored data (from home folders) saved usb stick disc has 9.04 version on , working perfectly. far concerned big thank-you should go developers , testers of karmic koala. job of reloading apps had running on 9.04. happy days. cheers, you're not 1 of lucky ones, you're 1 of vast majority. it's shame ubuntu don't make people sign & it's working fine, out of box....... but, again ..... that'd other com...

Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard for the Mac?

okay, apologize may appear frightfully stupid question, there acrobat 9 standard macintosh? there appears support files , such adobe 9 pro mac available, whenever search adobe 9 standard, can seem come windows version...? if not, , if unknown reason, aren't updating 2 version numbers in sync each other, what's recent version of acrobat standard mac? or stuck 9 pro option, , end having pay additional features don't need? steve m there no acrobat 9 standard mac (and hasn't been past couple versions well). option acrobat 9 pro. it's marketing decision don't agree with. More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Issues with NewPing HC-SR04.

hello, i've noticed ping() returns constant, unreal values unless put ping() somewhere before that. so this code: [select] void loop() {   delay(30);   serial.print(; } returns quote 47 51 47 but code: [select] void loop() {   delay(30);;   serial.println(; } returns real values. why so? also   ping_cm() returns distance decreased 10cm. whenever sensor less 10cm close returns 1cm. @ example 50cm returns 40cm. how fix that? hi matixyo,                   never have problem u/s senor, either 3,4 or 5 pined versions. library using!! code looks bit odd, if it's odd library, suppose that's normal? my code different yours: code: [select] long scanner(long cm)         // use u/s distance sensor detect object. { const int pingpin=4, echopin=5; long duration; // srf005 etc triggered high pulse of 2 or more mic...

JavaFX and Near Field Communication on the Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, i'm trying use nfc device (acr122u) rasbian , program in java. im using following tutorial: ... 77662.html getting stuck here: java se comes package, javax.smartcardio, allows developers communicate smart card readers. default, package personal computer/smart card (pc/sc) implementation on system. have installed required linux packages on raspberry pi, remaining task have point java virtual machine location of pcsclite library. done setting system property location of pcsclite library follows: java .library=/path/to/ ------------------------------------------------------- believe version of java pre-installed on rasbian jessie, not come "java" or "javafx" --> why cannot "java" work. -----> meaning "smartcardio" package doesn't exist.....

Thread: No Nvidia drivers in Karmic?

i did clean install of karmic, went well. when try nvidia drivers through system>administration>hardware drivers nothing appears in list, , told 'no proprietary drivers in use on system'. tried installing version 185 drivers through software centre, didn't change anything. ideas? btw, i've got nvidia 8400m g happily used version 185 drivers in both jaunty , karmic rc one restart later , hardware drivers sees graphics card lol Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] No Nvidia drivers in Karmic? Ubuntu

cannot upload a sketch to Arduino YUN [SOLVED]

hello, i bought arduino yun today , basic sketches worked perfectly. unfortunately cannot upload sketches anymore. i got error: sketch uses 4.744 bytes (16%) of program storage space. maximum 28.672 bytes. global variables use 151 bytes (5%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2.409 bytes local variables. maximum 2.560 bytes. avrdude: avr device not responding avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1          double check connections , try again, or use -f override          check. when yun started, these leds on: yellow rx red l13 green on white usb i upload sketches on wifi wifi , linux-chip work, can connect website, , can connect linux-chip ssh - putty i've tried reset wifi, 'yun rst' , 32u4, didn't solve problem can me ? many ! solved: went shop, 32u4 broken, got new one. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Inst...

Thread: [karmic] using upstart to execute script before NetworkManager starts?

hi, on 9.04 had line in rc.local saying "ifconfig wlan0 hw ether ..." change mac address on every boot. command has executed before networkmanager starts because acts otherwise. best way achieve on karmic? adding rc.local doesn't work anymore because networkmanager started @ point. i've never dealt upstart before. have somehow ifconfig command execute before networkmanager starts, can help? bump.. know how this? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] [karmic] using upstart to execute script before NetworkManager starts? Ubuntu