arduino manager ios app and ble
i using arduino uno, nrf8001 bluefruit le breakout board , arduino manager ios. everything in code works correctly when connected, when disconnect ipad, uno appears restarting. or @ least runs setup again, believe restarting.
i new arduino programming, , new app. i know if code, or if in library/app
i new arduino programming, , new app. i know if code, or if in library/app
code: [select]
* test arduino manager ipad / iphone / mac
* simple test program show arduino manager
* features.
* author: fabrizio boco -
* version: 0.1
* 06/15/2014
* rights reserved
* ioscontroller library, ioscontrollerwifi library, ioscontrollerserial library ("the software") , related documentation ("the documentation") supplied
* author in consideration of agreement following terms, , use or installation of software , use of documentation
* constitutes acceptance of these terms.
* if not agree these terms, please not use or install software.
* author grants personal, non-exclusive license, under author's copyrights in original software, use software.
* except expressly stated in notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, granted author, including not limited
* patent rights may infringed derivative works or other works in software may incorporated.
* software , documentation provided author on "as is" basis. author makes no warranties, express or implied, including without
* limitation implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability , fitness particular purpose, regarding software or use , operation
* alone or in combination products. in no event shall author liable special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including,
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* reproduction , modification of software , or of documentation, caused , whether under theory of contract, tort (including negligence),
* strict liability or otherwise, if author has been advised of possibility of such damage.
#include <adafruit_neopixel.h>
//#include <bounce2.h>
#include <spi.h>
#include "adafruit_ble_uart.h"
#include "ioscontrollerforbluefruit.h"
//bounce debouncerr = bounce();
//bounce debouncerb = bounce();
//bounce debouncerg = bounce();
adafruit_neopixel strip14 = adafruit_neopixel(14, 15, neo_grb + neo_khz800);
adafruit_neopixel strip25 = adafruit_neopixel(25, 16, neo_grb + neo_khz800);
int sigdelay = 1000;
int check=0;
int red=50;
int green=0;
int blue=0;
unsigned long previousmillisr=0;
int cycle1=0;
int ledpixel =0;
ioscontrollerforbluefruit ioscontroller(&dowork,&dosync,&processincomingmessages,&processoutgoingmessages,&deviceconnected,&devicedisconnected);
void setup()
serial.println(f("setup completed"));
void loop() {
void dowork() {
//serial.print("red=");serial.print(red); serial.print("green=");serial.print(green); serial.print("blue=");serial.println(blue);
void dosync(char *variable) {
//serial.print("variable ");
void processincomingmessages(char *variable, char *value) {
//serial.print("variable "); serial.print(variable); serial.print(" "); serial.print(" value "); serial.println(value);
if (strcmp(variable,"test")==0) {
check = atoi(value);
if (strcmp(variable,"color_r") == 0) {
red = atoi(value);
if (strcmp(variable,"color_g") == 0) {
green = atoi(value);
if (strcmp(variable,"color_b") == 0) {
blue = atoi(value);
void processoutgoingmessages() {
if (check==1) {
if (check==0) {
void deviceconnected() {
void devicedisconnected() {
void flasher(){
unsigned long currentmillis = millis();
// serial.print (currentmillis - previousmillisr);serial.print (cycle1);
if((cycle1 == 1) && (currentmillis - previousmillisr >= sigdelay))
cycle1 = 0; // turn off
previousmillisr = currentmillis; // remember time
(int i=0;i<=strip14.numpixels(); i++){
else if ((cycle1 == 0) && (currentmillis - previousmillisr >= sigdelay))
cycle1 = 1; // turn on
previousmillisr = currentmillis; // remember time
(int i=0;i<=strip14.numpixels(); i++){
void onestrip(){
(int i=0;i<=strip25.numpixels(); i++){
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > arduino manager ios app and ble
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