need help with humidity sensor HIH 4000-001

hi all,
i m using honeywell humidity sensor called hih 4000-001, sensor connected mcp3204 a/d ic , further ics spi o/p connected mega 2560.
my question cant able stable reading sensor this??
i checked sensor o/p multimeter bt mv o/p unstable e.g. 2000mv 2060 , again 2060 mv 2000mv , continue process.. sensors fault or else??
please me stable o/p or can thing smoothing or filtring unstable mv o/p..??

do use 5v sensor ? 5v coming ? if use usb power, 5v not 5.0v.
you can test using external power supply arduino mega 2560 board, , 5v pin power humidity sensor.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > need help with humidity sensor HIH 4000-001



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