Help with rocket launch controller build - Raspberry Pi Forums

i building rocket launch controller. far have launch sequence working when press 'button.' counts down 10 , fires correct led @ end of countdown. have key switch attached board though , want ot launch when key switch on. want led2 on if switch on , led3 on if switch off indicate 'armed' status of controller. know next nothing python , have scrapped code far several tutorials , others' builds of similar projects.

code: select all

from gpiozero import led, button time import sleep signal import pause subprocess import popen  led = led(17) led2 = led(27) led3 = led(22) button = button(2) armswitch = button (4)  led2.on()  while true:      button.wait_for_press()     print ('countdown sequence initializing.  ignition in...')     popen(["flite -t 'countdown sequence initializing.  ignition in'"], shell=true)     sleep(4)      in range(0,10):         print (10 - i)         popen(["flite -t '" + str(10 - i) +"'"], shell=true)         if (10 - i) < 3:             led2.blink(on_time=.1, off_time=.1)         elif (10 - i) < 6:             led2.blink(on_time=.25, off_time=.25)         else:             led2.blink(on_time=.5)         sleep (1)      print ('ignition')     popen(["flite -t 'ignition!'"], shell=true)     print ('...')     led.on()     led2.on()     led3.blink(on_time=.05, off_time=.05)     sleep(2)     print ('sequence complete.  disarm system before approaching launch pad.')     popen(["flite -t 'sequence complete... disarm system before approaching launch pad.'"], shell=true)       led2.on() 
[mod edit - inserted code tags greater readability]
appreciated. thanks!

here's quick video update on project:

working way want, when arm switch , countdown duration switch off (low) keep getting false (high) signals change countdown duration or arm system when it's suppose disarmed. i'll post new code in moment here , see if has suggestions. until check out video.



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