Remository error uploading files - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have installed remository 3.40 (since in 3.41 got advertisements) , have no problems when upload files not bigger 2mb when try upload bigger files error after 1 minute or trying upload:

"this file unspecified."

any idea?

of course have checked configuration , maxsize 10.000 kb...

thanks lot

i got answer in remository site (faq´s)

here is:

file unspecified

if error message "file unspecified" when attempt upload, means basic file upload mechanism in web server not working correctly. cause file larger maximum size configured in php. may able change php configuration, or may need consult host.

to more information, download , install "remocheck" component. purely diagnostic tool. follow instructions given in repository, , trial upload remocheck. give diagnostics , information hosting. please see faq "uploads , php.ini".


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