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Thread: Torchlight for Linux ? Make your voices heard !

hello people !

few months ago i've added crpg game torchlight under "maybe" list of native linux games because developed ogre3d , have macosx version.

game out windows, it's time make voices heard in favor of linux port !

in thread i've found on website , more few people voted support linux client : .
developers didn't answer potential costumers.

i've sent p.m 1 of developers :


i've send email runic games few months ago got no replay.
i've registred forums , posted none got official replay.

wondering if planing on porting torchlight linux.
ogre3d cross platform , porting game should no problem, there people wish if don't have time.

there chance linux client torchlight ?

in advance

, got replay :


unfortunately not have linux plans decided @ time. think people trying working under wine have not heard (there few threads going on if want look). have faq page on website have our official statement on other operating systems too, bit far down though.


it's not definite "no" , linux native client still have chance.
vote support on website , there might linux client !

sure, done.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Gaming & Leisure Torchlight for Linux ? Make your voices heard !



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