Video From JPEG: Gstreamer vs ffmpeg - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm using gstreamer assemble time-lapse video series of images. images 640 x 480 jpegs. video 640 x 480 mp4 file. here's code:

code: select all

gst-launch-1.0 \ 	-e multifilesrc location="$mfslocation" \ 	! image/jpeg, framerate=8/1 \ 	! decodebin \ 	! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480 \ 	! progressreport name=progress \ 	! omxh264enc target-bitrate=7500000 control-rate=variable \ 	! video/x-h264, profile=high \ 	! h264parse \ 	! mp4mux \ 	! filesink location="$fslocation" &>> "$log" 
assembles 288 jpegs 30 second video file 8mb.

view here:

i'm doing similar on mac using ffmpeg. same sort of image input, same type of file output. here's code:

code: select all

cat /users/mnewman/documents/webcam/arch/*.jpg | /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 10 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow -r 10 -crf 28 -y -pix_fmt yuv420p "$file" 2>> "$log" 
assembles 288 jpegs 30 second video file 750kb.

view here:

in other words, gstreamer video ten times bigger ffmpeg video. realize frame rates different, doesn't seem account huge difference in file size.

need gstreamer code file size down along lines of ffmpeg video?



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