hello, first post asking in forum patient if dont correctly well, im trying make robot evades obstacles , uses interrupts in order distances. ive used flexitimer2 run void function each 5ms, problem whe try verify program says me there error in use of flexitimer. code: [select] flexitimer2::set(1, 1.0/1000, rastreodistanciamin()); i copy code below, please can tell error , how solve it, ive been loking dont know do. thank you code: [select] #include <flexitimer2.h> #include <servo.h> //motor a int ena = 7; int in1=6; int in2 = 5; //motor b int in3=11; int in4=10; int enb=9; servo cabeza; //hc-sr04 device int echo = 13; int triger = 12; //it use hc-sr04 determine , return distance in front of him int calculodistancia(){ volatile int tiempo; volatile int distancia; digitalwrite(triger,low); /* por cuestiĆ³n de estabilizaciĆ³n del sensor*/ delaymicroseconds(5); digitalwrite(triger, high); ...
i have gotten rikla adobe. , use example code basicplugin(you can download adobe wetsite) plug_in, then, made api file according steps in document in "creating adobe reader plug_in" section of "developping plug_ins , applications". last,i copy api file plug_ins folder, open adobe reader 8. saw under tool memu there new menu named acrobat sdk think api file loaded acrobat reader. error appears, "invalid plugin detected. adobe reader quit". can tell me why?thank you. the first thing check whether plug-in job when load in acrobat. aandi inston More discussions in Acrobat SDK adobe
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