Another cron job problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have script (, use set special route if not exist , if specific wifi ssid connected.
works fine when run pi command line shown here:

code: select all

pi@rpi2-jessie2:~ $ ./ checking wifi routing connected auriga-ap! main route exists. check vpn route... vpn route exists! nothing needs done. 
wanted set cron run every minute ran crontab -e add following:

code: select all

* * * * * /home/pi/ >> /home/pi/checkroute.txt
not getting output @ checkroute.txt file.
listing of zero-length file:

code: select all

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi    0 feb  7 17:48 checkroute.txt
wrong here? expected printed lines stdout added txt file, nothing seems happen.
clarity here script containg echo commands:

code: select all

# ---- script used check wifi routing vpn network 10.0.0.x ----- #configuration values: apname="auriga-ap" wifigw=  quiet=off while [ $# -gt 0 ]   case "$1" in      -q)  quiet=on;;   esac   shift done  [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "checking wifi routing" if iwgetid | grep $apname > /dev/null   [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "connected $apname!"   if route -n | grep "ug    303    0        0 wlan0" > /dev/null       # extract wlan0 gateway address     wifigw=$(route -n | grep "         ug" | grep wlan0)     wifigw=${wifigw:16:15}     wifigw=$(echo $wifigw | xargs)      [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "main route exists. check vpn route..."     if route -n | grep wlan0 | grep > /dev/null           [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "vpn route exists! nothing needs done."       exit 0     fi      [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "vpn route not exist! try create it..."     if sudo route add -net netmask gw $wifigw > /dev/null           [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "succeeded add vpn route!"       exit 0     fi     [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "failed add vpn route!"     exit 1   else     [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "no wlan connected anymore!"     exit 2   fi else   [ "$quiet" == "off" ] &&  echo "no connection $apname, no need anything"   exit 0 fi 

with option normal output messages go file. need send error message somewhere too.

code: select all

* * * * * /home/pi/ >> /home/pi/checkroute.txt 2>>/home/pi/checkroute.err 
or send same file

code: select all

* * * * * /home/pi/ >> /home/pi/checkroute.txt 2>&1 
normal output goes file descriptor (output channel) 1. error output goes file descriptor 2. "2>&1" means "send output file descriptor 2 file descriptor 1"



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