Newbie Q: Setting scripts to run on Start Application

please help!
cs3 says check enable events run scripts/actions checkbox , choose photoshop event: stat application run script on startup me it's photoshop has had it's memory wiped if close , reopen it!

the script event manager looks when you've installed photoshop.

how ps cs3 remember choices runs setupworkspace script when opens?

it's first ever ps script, design compensate fact though ps shows saved workspace current 1 on restart in fact default workspace until reselect workspace menu.

i'm on macbook pro , scripts in folder, created , chose in ps using browse path, called users/myname/library/application support/adobe/adobe photoshop cs3/presets/scripts

would love in scripting if can't scripts run i'll v sad.

here how attach script event:


More discussions in Photoshop Scripting



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