Arduino constantly "screams" ARP broadcast
hi everyone,
since bought me arduino 2560 w5100 ethernet-shield measure stuff home-automation, network has become totally laggy , unstable.
i have used wireshark going on there , figured out arduino "yelling" arp in fixed intervall.
this device homematic-control-unit, provides connection server.
when arduino disconnected network, devices answer pretty fast (<10ms) ping request. after powered, goes random devices not showing or answering after 200ms.
in opinion broadcasts source of problem.
the overall network contain 2 wifi-ap's, 2 switches , firewall , ton more of components.
so question - since arduino gets ip dhcp reservation device a.m. ip (...248) - how can teach arduino mac-address of homematic-device or use arp-table.
from other posts, have seen using arp-table might problem w5100 shield.
any ideas how solve this?
btw: here code use:
(only first few lines should interesting problem, ccu homematic-device)
since bought me arduino 2560 w5100 ethernet-shield measure stuff home-automation, network has become totally laggy , unstable.
i have used wireshark going on there , figured out arduino "yelling" arp in fixed intervall.
this device homematic-control-unit, provides connection server.
when arduino disconnected network, devices answer pretty fast (<10ms) ping request. after powered, goes random devices not showing or answering after 200ms.
in opinion broadcasts source of problem.
the overall network contain 2 wifi-ap's, 2 switches , firewall , ton more of components.
so question - since arduino gets ip dhcp reservation device a.m. ip (...248) - how can teach arduino mac-address of homematic-device or use arp-table.
from other posts, have seen using arp-table might problem w5100 shield.
any ideas how solve this?
btw: here code use:
(only first few lines should interesting problem, ccu homematic-device)
code: [select]
#include <spi.h>
#include <ethernet.h>
#include <wire.h> // comes arduino ide
#include <onewire.h> //für temperatursensoren ds18b20
#include <newping.h> //für ultraschallsensoren sr04
#include "dht.h" //für temperatursensoren sht22
#include <as_bh1750.h> //für i2c-luxmeter
#include <sfe_bmp180.h>//für i2c-barometer
#include <lcd.h>
#include <liquidcrystal_i2c.h>
#define i2c_addr 0x27 // define i2c address pcf8574a is
#define backlight_pin 3
#define en_pin 2
#define rw_pin 1
#define rs_pin 0
#define d4_pin 4
#define d5_pin 5
#define d6_pin 6
#define d7_pin 7
int n = 1;
liquidcrystal_i2c lcd(i2c_addr,en_pin,rw_pin,rs_pin,d4_pin,d5_pin,d6_pin,d7_pin);
byte ccu[] = { 192, 168, 1, 248 }; //das ist die ip der ccu <<user-eingabe<<
byte mac[] = { 0xac, 0xcc, 0xbc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }; //muss nur bei mehreren homeduinos geändert werden ! <<user-eingabe<<
byte homeduino[] = { 192, 168, 1, 250 }; //das ist die feste ip des homeduino, wenn dhcp versagt <<user-eingabe<<
const byte board = 54; //"14" = uno/duemilanove; "54" = mega2560 <<user-eingabe<<
string homeduino_nummer = "x"; // indiv. bezeichnung für diese homeduino-box <<user-eingabe<<
string hm_systemvariable = "homeduino_" + homeduino_nummer +"_";
//input-kennung: hier wird die funktion der eingänge d0 bis d9 festgelegt
byte iomodus_d[10] = {0, 0,
0, //d2 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; "2" = infrarot; <<user-eingabe<<
0, //d3 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; "2" = 433mhz-rx; <<user-eingabe<<
4, //d4 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
3, //d5 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
0, //d6 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
0, //d7 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
0, //d8 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
0 //d9 :"0" = digital_in; "1" = 1wire; "3" = shtxx; "4" = ultraschall; <<user-eingabe<<
byte iomodus_baro = 1; //"0" = n.c.; "1" = bmp180 <<user-eingabe<<
byte iomodus_lux = 1; //"0" = n.c.; "1" = bh1750; <<user-eingabe<<
//hier werden die zuletzt gesendeten sytemvariablen gespeichert
boolean last_digitalin_value_d[10];
float last_digital_value_d[10];
boolean last_digitalin_value_a[6];
float last_analogin_value_a[6];
float last_ir_value;
float last_rf_value;
float last_lux_value;
double last_baro_value;
double last_barot_value;
boolean complete_loop =1; // wenn 1, dann einmal komplett durchlaufen
boolean value;
string befehl;
string i;
int analogwert;
float tempntc;
float b_wert = 3950;
float tn = 298.15;
float rv = 10000;
float rn = 10000;
float rt ;
float temp_tur;
float humidity;
float delta_onewire = 0.4;
float delta_sht = 0.2;
float delta_us = 2;
float delta_analog = 2;
float delta_ntc = 0.2;
float delta_lux = 20;
double delta_baro = 0.2;
double delta_barot = 0.5;
long duration, cm;
unsigned long next_full_loop = 0;
unsigned long delta_time = 1800000;
unsigned long delta_tx = 500;
unsigned long next_tx = 0;
ethernetclient client; // initialize ethernet client library
as_bh1750 sensor; //initialize bh1750 luxmeter library
#define altitude 299.0 // seehoehe in metern
sfe_bmp180 pressure;
char status;
double t,p,p0;
void setup()
{serial.begin(9600); // start ethernet connection:
if (ethernet.begin(mac) == 0)
{serial.println("failed configure ethernet using dhcp"); ethernet.begin(mac, homeduino);}
delay(1000);// give ethernet shield second initialize:
serial.println("connecting..."); // if connection, report via serial:
if (client.connect(ccu, 8181)) {}
else {serial.println("connection failed");} // if didn't connection server:
char myipstring[24]; //ip auslesen
ipaddress myip = ethernet.localip();
sprintf(myipstring, "%d.%d.%d.%d", myip[0], myip[1], myip[2], myip[3]);
i = myipstring;
befehl = "get /xy.exe?antwort=dom.getobject('" + hm_systemvariable + "ip" + "').state('" + + "')";
lcd.begin (16,2);
lcd.home (); // go home
wire.begin ();
twbr = 72;
twsr |= bit (twps0);
void loop()
{if (millis() > next_full_loop) //mindestens jede stunde eine komplette aktualisierung
{complete_loop = 1; next_full_loop = millis() + delta_time;
if (next_full_loop < millis()) {complete_loop = 0;}
for (int = 2; < 10; i++) //behandlung digitaleingänge d2 bis d9
{if (iomodus_d[i] == 0)
{pinmode(i, input);
value =digitalread(i);
if ((!value == last_digitalin_value_d[i]) || complete_loop)
{i = string(i);
befehl = "get /xy.exe?antwort=dom.getobject('" + hm_systemvariable + "d" + + "').state(" + value + ")";
last_digitalin_value_d[i] = value;
complete_loop = 0;
// subroutine http request absetzen:
void set_sysvar()
{ //while (millis() < next_tx) {} //warten bis time > next_tx oder timeout
next_tx = millis() +delta_tx;
if (client.connect(ccu, 8181))
the ethernet shield doesn't "scream".
the ethernet shield doesn't store arp settings, every time attempts connection, arp broadcast. reason in code:
the ethernet shield doesn't store arp settings, every time attempts connection, arp broadcast. reason in code:
code: [select]
void set_sysvar()
{ //while (millis() < next_tx) {} //warten bis time > next_tx oder timeout
next_tx = millis() +delta_tx;
// here reason
if (client.connect(ccu, 8181))
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino constantly "screams" ARP broadcast
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