Can not print via Acrobat, Distiller stopped crashed CS3 Mac Leopard all updated

hello,<br />running powermac g4 os 10.5.2 leopard , cs 3, updated latest version e.g. acrobat 8.1.2.... printing via distiller , creating pdf not possible, neither through of other adobe applications nor word or quark. every time print create crash report, sample crash report attached. idea?!?!?!?! , happy holiday!<br />process:         distillerintf [1047]<br />path:            /applications/adobe acrobat 8 professional/acrobat<br />identifier:      distillerintf<br />version:         ??? (???)<br />code type:       ppc (native)<br />parent process:  pdf800 [1044]<br /><br />date/time:       2008-05-11 11:25:54.776 +0200<br />os version:      mac os x 10.5.2 (9c7010)<br />report version:  6<br /><br />exception type:  exc_bad_access (sigbus)<br />exception codes: kern_protection_failure @ 0x0000000000000000<br />crashed thread:  1<br /><br />thread 0:<br />0   libsystem.b.dylib                  0x949cb978 mach_msg_trap + 8<br />1   libsystem.b.dylib                  0x949d289c mach_msg + 56<br />2   ...ple.coreservices.carboncore     0x9650c5ec yieldtothread + 528<br />3   ...ple.coreservices.carboncore     0x9650c3c8 yieldtoanythread + 16<br />4   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0105c82c distilleryield + 124<br />5   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0104f270 distillerengine::init() + 800<br />6   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0105a854 distilleropen + 52<br />7   distillerintf                      0x000029d4 start + 2260<br />8   distillerintf                      0x00002290 start + 400<br />9   distillerintf                      0x00002138 start + 56<br />10  ???                                0x00000ffc 0 + 4092<br /><br />thread 1 crashed:<br />0   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0127c614 os_strcmp + 4<br />1   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x012937e8 psripappendhostsearchdir + 456<br />2   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x01293998 psripappendhostsearchdir + 888<br />3   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x012bbe44 rgstunixstodevfilenameproc + 132<br />4   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x01264234 stodevcreatestm + 228<br />5   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x012600d0 createfilestm + 16<br />6   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x012dce24 purgefilterstoragetempfiles + 148<br />7   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x012cd3c8 filtersinitproc + 296<br />8   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x013bd8d0 psrealtime + 496<br />9   com.adobe.distillerlib             0x013bdd1c initpostscript + 748<br />10  com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0144a760 awaitallpspages + 2288<br />11  com.adobe.distillerlib             0x0144aa3c hpglinterpreter + 220<br />12  com.adobe.distillerlib             0x01292fac psripinitialize + 1020<br />13  com.adobe.distillerlib             0x01060be8 distillerpsrip::psinit(void*) + 200<br />14  ...ple.coreservices.carboncore     0x96511818 cooperativethread + 344<br />15  libsystem.b.dylib                  0x94a0db98 _pthread_start + 316<br /><br />thread 1 crashed ppc thread state 32:<br />  srr0: 0x0127c614  srr1: 0x0000f030   dar: 0x00000000 dsisr: 0x40000000<br />    r0: 0x0000002f    r1: 0xf007f980    r2: 0x00000041    r3: 0x00000000<br />    r4: 0xf007f9b8    r5: 0x00000004    r6: 0x014b62b8    r7: 0x000000ff<br />    r8: 0xf007ff48    r9: 0x0000002f   r10: 0x013e75c8   r11: 0xa07fb898<br />   r12: 0x01293a40   r13: 0x00000000   r14: 0x00000000   r15: 0x00000000<br />   r16: 0x00000000   r17: 0x00000000   r18: 0x00000000   r19: 0x00000000<br />   r20: 0x00000000   r21: 0x00000000   r22: 0x0156d2b4   r23: 0x00000002<br />   r24: 0x014bcda0   r25: 0x0153cda0   r26: 0x01485150   r27: 0x01485150<br />   r28: 0x03a72244   r29: 0x01563760   r30: 0x0171acf0   r31: 0x01293760<br />    cr: 0x88004484   xer: 0x20000004    lr: 0x012937ec   ctr: 0x00000004<br />vrsave: 0x00000000<br /><br />binary images:<br />    0x1000 -     0x2ff3 +distillerintf ??? (???) <c30cdab5e0a648ceb5edb44f92a9fef1> /applications/adobe acrobat 8 professional/acrobat<br />   0x40000 -    0x78fff +adobeare ??? (???) /applications/adobe acrobat 8 professional/acrobat<br />   0x80000 -    0x9ffef +adobebi

ok, found solution , work perfectly. solution posted here:

and how works:

jonas mächler says:
november 28, 2007 @ 8:22 pm
another solution stoping adobe pdf 8.0 print driver:
change file permission of file
/usr/libexec/cups/backend/pdf800″ owner root , -rwx

this done following 2 commands have executed in terminal:

sudo chown root:staff /usr/libexec/cups/backend/pdf800

sudo chmod u=rwx,go= /usr/libexec/cups/backend/pdf800

terminal dummies:
just open terminal , copy/paste first of 2 lines , press enter, promted enter password, , press enter again(you wont see password, works anyway)
and same second line , adobe pdf 8.0 printer should fixed

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