Not sure which board to buy

hello all.  i'm struggling make mind board or kit should starting with.  have quite lot of experience electronics , have constructed many kits in past , have pretty understanding of theory of analog , digital systems,  knowledge of programming limited. basic limit of experience , long since have touched i'm not sure write complex. have looked @ few example sketches, , can sort of follow whats going on.

i don't know whether better off starter kit, or buying more complex board (since 1 of projects have in mind going require more uno has offer) , working way through book on programming.

to give idea of 1 of goals, brief of want first big project , how plan go it....

the idea have system can control laser beam, using mirrors attahced small speakers, draw patterns on walls,  either preset or music modulated, ones used see in night clubs.  think laser technology has advanced quite lot since clubbing days,  gone power hungry liquid cooled argon ion tubes, more efficient , compact dpss lasers. dont doubt technology control them has moved on too.

i need 2 analog channels...pwm not enough, needing smooth waveform of @ least 100hz (i have test that, persistance of vision) 1 way of doing using r-2r dac give me 8 bit resolution....but need 2 channels,  im not sure how im going around 1 unless buy board more outputs....i did consider getting due, once figured out uno, 2 analog outputs.  anyway, 8 bit resolution, might need low pass filtering rid of little steps may visible when projected on wall, again might not need them since being used drive speakers, , speakers might enough job seeing mechanical , having mirrors attached may provide enough inertia damp out high frequency components.

the r-2r ladder , lpf go on feed voltage follower,  in turn drive mosfets drive speakers.

i may introduce switch , pot after voltage follower introduce of audio modulate pattern.

my next questions are.  setting sights high?  possible uno? if not board could?

to conclude...

2 4 analog channels of 8 bit resolution using r-2r dac low pass filter, feeding voltage follower drive mosfet output stage
pre loaded patterns (geometric shapes, example) selectable via numeric keypad or other input device
audio or other analog source modulate output, either via arduino or externally through driver circuitry

sorry thew long post...i never intended long lol

instead of r-2r, go external spi interface dacs.
uno can send these parts data other 8-bit uc.

if more sram needed storing pattern data changing, atmege1284p has 16k sram , easy addition ide programming:

i offer '1284p boards in several form factors well, uno footprint, others more embedding. more details & pics here:

Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > Not sure which board to buy



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