Using a Raspberry Pi 1 B as a display - Raspberry Pi Forums

ok, i've been trying build virtual reality headset using 2 nexus 7 displays, , connecting them raspberry pi 1 b screens use mipi dsi. although buy second raspberry pi, connect both display raspberry pi simplicity.

a) use raspberry pi controller board 2 lcd displays, treat displays. (i thinking along lines of converting csi dsi if possible)
pi connected grunty pc gaming purposes.
b) better upgrade raspberry pi 2 b+ less lag between computer , screens.
c) able connect flora 10-dof imu ( raspberry pi , have information sent pc purposes of head tracking in games?

cheers, superical

dsi , csi not plug-and-play - design. not
meant ever used consumers.

devices supporting standards need configuration , engineering know-how
, can outright incompatible since standard
specifies physical layer afaik.

not matter since dsi , csi usable/
configurable secret gpu code on pi anyway.
official display , official camera supported.




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