Accuracy of BMP180 sensor. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been using bmp085 time. however, on new project decided use bmp180. using adafruit getting following resuts:


code: select all

temp = 21.90 *c pressure = 101023.00 pa altitude = 25.34 m sealevel pressure = 101020.00 pa  

code: select all

temp = 12.80 *c pressure = 157349.00 pa altitude = -3872.78 m sealevel pressure = 157349.00 pa 
results bmp085 agree barometric sensor on watch , temperature measured using ds18b20. however, results bmp180 different.

suggestions might cause this? faulty sensor, or bug in adafruit libarary?

maybe i2c problem in reading registers. using c-program read bmp180



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