HD POV Clock runs backwards.

i new arduino , python. found hd pov arduino uno clock project on instructables. http://www.instructables.com/id/hard-disk-clock-hdd-clock-with-arduino-uno/?allsteps
i built clock , every thing runs fine except clock goes backwards. noticed when going video looks hard drive spins counter clockwise , hard drive spins clockwise. thinking in code there somewhere can change direction clock runs. have gone on wiring , seems right. deference using hall effect sensor.  i hope makes since. code written in bosnian , managed translate comments english. if take grateful. posted question on page no answer.

i can post code have or can viewed on link project page.

thanks again,

it easier if posted here.  answer involve changing direction of loop retrieve data display in reverse order.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > HD POV Clock runs backwards.



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