NMEA data to RPi2 via USB port - Raspberry Pi Forums


connect navico 300 nais transceiver pi2 in order display ais data in opencpn. outputs nais transceiver bare wire rs232, 3 connections: gnd, in, , out, power @ 5v, 38400 baud.

in order make connection, cut off mini - d end of usb patch cable , connect 2 data , 1 ground wires nais 300 , connect usb plug pi 2?

presume configuring of ttys* or ttyusb* com port required.

haven't tried because can't convince myself wouldn't sizzle pi.

advice appreciated.

h2obo wrote: in order make connection, cut off mini - d end of usb patch cable , connect 2 data , 1 ground wires nais 300 , connect usb plug pi 2?
no! usb port not serial port.

read up: http://elinux.org/rpi_serial_connection ... nal_levels



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