Project Guidance - Arduino + TFT + GPS

hello everyone,

i hear oppinions related adventure arduino.

a total beginner although have built arduino project based on instructions found on website. further expand project first need know if arduino can support this.

my project based on arduino uno , had dew sensor (dht22) measured dew point based on temperature , humidity readings. if temperature measured via temperature-only sensor (ds18b20) come close dew point, arduino activate dew heaters through npn-d transistors. 16x2 character lcd display show readings , state of dew heaters. had 4 heater outputs , temperature sensors, 1 each output. believe able switch 1 sensor 4 outputs.

now, further develop project using larger tft lcd screen. 1 recommend? looking for, say, 3.5" dagonal lcd. touchscreen capability.

is 1 good?

i implement gps module reading location. we, astrophotographers, using data @ beginning of session, module not need functioning time. can activated through menu one-time-per-night usage. module should get? possible read gps data through com port on pc?

is possible build simple menu? 1 dew heater control , 1 gps readings example?

can arduino uno cope of this? should arduino mega instead? or perhaps totally different mcu larger memory?

i thank in advance answers , help.

if need more info, please let me know.



Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Project Guidance - Arduino + TFT + GPS



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