Quadcopter with arduino


i programming arduino flight controler of quadcopter. configuring pitch, roll , yaw in algorithm have question: bought 4 propelers, 2 orange , 2 black. 2 orange not equal, differente. same happens black. mean? 2 orange must used side side or in oposite side of quad?

you need 2 clockwise , 2 counter-clockwise props, presumably orange and
black colour coding front , can tell @ distance way your
craft oriented

the clockwise props go opposite each other on diagonal, 1 need be
orange , 1 black.  ditto ccw.

1) go , set of spare props now, _will_ damage them , really
annoying have wait spares.

2) remember set motor polarities correctly every prop lifting (and
not pushing down!!).

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Quadcopter with arduino



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