Real-time EMG signals to control a servo motor.

hi everyone,

i relatively new arduino. need control servo motor using real time emg signals. have arduino uno rev3 board , emg/ekg/ecg shield olimex gel electrodes , required circuitry. able control servo motor purely without emg related. goal use different arm movements (collected emg electrodes) switch motor on , off once threshold has been exceeded.

would appreciate advice and/or guidance me on right track.

thank time !

:d :d :d

i don't have shield. don't understand "packet" of information produced shield.

but in general terms, understand when packet reporting arm movement want couple servo motor? do. if not, olimex has forum too.  ;d

determine how want servo move. example 90 degrees.

determine range of packet want move servo 90 degrees.

use separate power supply servo.

again, don't understand packet here example...

i want read analog input (range 0 1023) , move servo 90 degrees max based upon ananlog read...
if analog read 0 - servo 0; if analog read 1023 - servo 90.

didn't show setup code in example code below...

code: [select]

int demo_read = analogread ( a5 ); // read a5
int servo_position = demo_read / 1023 * 90;

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Real-time EMG signals to control a servo motor.



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