Thread: ERROR 15 and all partition widhout any files
im depared critical problem (for me). im getting error 15. after searching usual foruns , threads error im depared cenario:
- mount partitions
- make "ls -laht" , result is:
/dev/sda2(root): directorys , files, no /var/log, no /etc, no /boot, no lost+found, no /usr etc, etc....
other partitions empty.
thought attacked "rm -rf" (to sincerly dont know interest of people anyaway).
when run ubuntu live cd , run application gparted shows me have used space in partitions(600mb, 300mb, 3gb).... data there, believe.
problem when mounted, there no data.
run fsck.ext in , every partitions results in clean. have lost+found in every partitions, empty directory.
have empty partitions used space.
have lot of important data in disk can please give me clue?
best regards,
i had same error 15 message , ended reinstalling 9.10 scratch. tried several things suggested , did not work. there seems incompatibility between grub loaders.![]()
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