Asian Language support in Acrobat 3D 8/TCS

i've spent hours , days solve problem pdfs containing japanese text, refused copied/pasted other applications. told me, works on pc using pdfs same didn't work here. well, turned out had installed asian language packs *reader*, didn't use. , should *not* used acrobat pro or 3d, according well-informed acrobat gurus.

in kb articles, adobe gives instructions these: "to make asian fonts available downloading printer, sure have downloaded fonts computer using custom or complete installation option during installation of acrobat."

well, after searching, reading, trying, re-installing etc., have say: there no custom install option in acrobat 3d/tcs. have no option install asian language support within suite carries "communication" in name. technical communication *is* worldwide communication.

interesting enough: after installing reader language packs, required functionality there (copy/pasting of asian characters), i'm not sure if damaged system (or reduced functionality) installing reader fonts acrobat 3d.

so, have in order achieve *full* support asian characters in acrobat 3d/tcs? idea?

bernd meissner

i doubt not being able copy japanese text has asian language pack reader. asian language pack contains japanese, chinese , korean (cjk) fonts, such viewer has fonts around simulate appearance of cjk fonts in pdf fonts not embedded.

if have pdf shows problem , can share i'd happy have @ (and let know find). in case, please email

olaf @ druemmer dot com

olaf druemmer

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