Sensing water temperature and pH - Raspberry Pi Forums

need measure water tempurature , ph. think i'll use ds18b20 sensor , ph kit ph ( ... 20code.pdf ). it's decisión? how must connect them? there similar project?

i haven't tried hooking ph probe have used several of ds18b20 probes. have used waterproof ones in fishtank , waterproof outdoor camera cases.

simple hook up, need 4.7k resistor. since use 1 wire protocol, multiple sensors can hooked same gpio pin. there alot of tutorials available searching google. adafruit have excellent tutorial helped me figure out how wire them. ... g/hardware

starting on thanksgiving of last year, have had between 3 10 of them running continuously , recording temperature data in mysql database. have 311,474 temperature readings. unlike dht11 probes, haven't had wild or questionable readings ds18b20. i'm more happy sensor.

if happen hookup ph probe, make sure come , comment on experience. interested in knowing how works you. i'm red-green colorblind, , girlfriend hates reading ph level me. adding ph probe on to-do list.



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