Water Heater Project. - Raspberry Pi Forums


studying computer science @ level , have coursework project need desperate with.

background project:
in physics carrying out investigation tests resistance of thermistors @ different temperatures, heating water specified temperature , taking reading of thermistors resistance using multimeter.
computer science project make automated version of experiment. want have raspberry pi runs python based program turns on heater heat water in beaker, measures temperature of water , when reaches desired temperature input user takes reading of resistance thermistor. temperature fed gui user can view , resistance recorded , put sort of word file user can view after test.

have pi have basic temperature reading program reads temperature using thermistor need way heat water using pi , read resistance thermistor display tin gui , record @ desired temperature? possible , there way me long in project struggling haha...

need if excellent, if linking me heaters raspberry pi can create sort of rough program make project work..

thank reading, appreciated.

first select water heater, perhaps 12v cigarette lighter socket kettle heater suitable?

next select method of switching on , off using pi. (relay or transistor)

next create program turns on , off.



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