Assertion Error: Pin 14 not set to input (MCP23017) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey all,

i've built expansion board raspberry pi b has 2x mcp23017's on it. i've controlled relay's through , can detect inputs internal pull resistors enabled. of shows fine on webio interface. i'm trying automate sections of , getting errors when trying detect inputs.

error follows:-

code: select all

3: 0 connected result code 0 traceback (most recent call last):   file "./", line 176, in <module>     if mcp1.input(14) == false:   file "/root/gardencontrol/", line 119, in input     assert self.direction & (1 << pin) != 0, "pin %s not set input" % pin assertionerror: pin 14 not set input 
, code segment is:-

code: select all

# main program loop client = mqtt.client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message  client.connect("", 1883, 60)  client.loop_start() fountainontime=0 fountainonamount=900  print "%d: %x" % (3, mcp1.input(14) >> 3)  while true:         # test button being on         if mcp1.input(15) == false:                 client.publish("device/garden/a1", "on")                 fountainontime=time.time()          # switch pump off if 15 minutes has elapsed         if time.time>(float(fountainontime) + float(fountainonamount)):                 client.publish("device/garden/a1", "off")          #ensure pond has enough water         if mcp1.input(14) == false:                 client.publish("device/garden/b1", "on")          #switch off pump if water way low         if mcp1.input(13) == false:                 client.publish("device/garden/a1", "off") 
more happy post complete code if needed.
mcp1 defined using mcp23017 library adafruit , client.publish paho mqtt library.

in advance,

should show gpio / mcp library initialisation code - how mcp1 object instantiated before calling mcp1.input(14)?



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