AllMyServos - A free robotics app for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone,

have been experimenting raspberry pi (model b), adafruit pca9685 16 channel servo driver , invensense mpu6050 gyro , accelerometer fair while. put app (allmyservos), written in python, me work them. created repo on github , did intend add on pi store seems defunct.

built 16 dof (degrees of freedom) humanoid biped based on sainsmart 17 dof biped app designed handle servo configuration (although haven't been able test multiple adafruit servo drivers yet). 17th degree of freedom head (which not connected).

configuration done through graphical user interface (provided tkinter) there command line script can run on ssh start motion scheduler, rpc (remote procedure call) server , keyboard services.

party piece blender integration. blender open source 3d modelling , animation program. allmyservos includes blender addon allows live commands sent blender armature (in pose mode) servos. keyframed animations can exported allmyservos later use. app includes specification robot (vanguard) , blend file can reproduce without doing of setup. specifications create in app can packaged , shared.

appreciate feedback community on project far.

have uploaded demo videos youtube:
github repo here:



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