Bizarre Error/Bug - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello hello!

i searched ages , have spent of afternoon fiddling try , resolve issue, can't find solution anywhere.

when trying save new article in admin interface following error message:

code: select all

precondition failed
the precondition on request url /administrator/index2.php evaluated false.


apache/1.3.37 server @ port 80

but! , weird part, when post includes following paragraph:

have got time?
in recognised companies, such norwich union, amicus representatives receive paid time off perform union activities , training.

the similar problem/solution i've come across $moslive_site being set without "www." being present, that's fine , correct on setup.

i'm running latest stable joomla! (1.0.12), , error happens if use either bundled version of tinymce or no editor @ all.

this starting drive me crazy! got idea what's going on?

see if server running mod_security has been known cause wierd errors


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