Help With AttributeError - Raspberry Pi Forums

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#!/usr/bin/env python  import time import argparse    import sys  import bb_i2c import pigpio  if len(sys.argv) == 1:    sys.exit ("the total numbers of arguments passed 1.\nrun app -h command help.")  parser = argparse.argumentparser(description='rds setting application') parser.add_argument('-c','--change', help='input station name (8 characters max)', required=false) parser.add_argument('-s','--song',help='song name', required=false) parser.add_argument('-l','--liststation', help='print out station id', required=false, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-n','--nowplaying', help='print out current radiotext', required=false, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-i','--install', help='run first time install turn off dynamic ps', required=false, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-w','--write',help='write memory', required=false, action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args()  pi = pigpio.pi()  s = bb_i2c.i2c(pi, 28, 29, 600)  if args.change:    #we have station name change    #so...set name of radio station    if len(args.change) >=9:       sys.exit ("the station name has 8 characters or less")    stationname = args.change    stationname = stationname.ljust(8,' ')    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(02)    x in range(0, 8):       # print " %d" % ord(stationname[x])       s.tx(ord(stationname[x]))    s.e()    print "station name changed to: %s" % stationname  if args.install:    #store settings eeprom    print ("setting dynamic ps off , saving eeprom...")    # turn off dynamic ps because it's bad (although edm has on default -    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(0x76)    s.tx(0)    s.e()    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(0x71)    s.tx(0x45)    s.e()    print ("settings saved eeprom")  if    #we have change song title playing    if len( >=64:       sys.exit ("the song has 64 characters or less")    radiotext =    radiotext = radiotext.ljust(64,' ')    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(0x20)    x in range(0, 64):       # print " %d" % ord(radiotext[x])       s.tx(ord(radiotext[x]))    s.e()    print "radiotext changed to: %s" % radiotext  if args.liststation:    #print out radio station id    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(02)  #0x77 dynamic ps 0x20 rt    s.s()    s.tx(215)    number1 = s.rx(1) #1 = ack, 0-nack    number2 = s.rx(1)    number3 = s.rx(1)    number4 = s.rx(1)    number5 = s.rx(1)    number6 = s.rx(1)    number7 = s.rx(1)    number8 = s.rx(0)    print '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' %(chr(number1) , chr(number2) , chr(number3), chr(number4) , chr(number5) , chr(number6), chr(number7) , chr(number8))    s.e()  if args.nowplaying:    #print out current radio text information    radiotext = ""    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(0x20)    s.s()    s.tx(215)    x in range(0, 63):       #print " %s" % chr(s.rx(1))       radiotext = radiotext + chr(s.rx(1))    radiotext = radiotext + chr(s.rx(0))    s.e()     print "%s" % radiotext   if args.write:    #store settings eeprom    print ("saving...")    s.s()    s.tx(214)    s.tx(0x71)    s.tx(0x45)    s.e()    print ("settings saved eeprom")  # print ("station name: %s" % args.change ) # print ("song: %s" % ) # print ("write on?: %s" % args.write )  ### # configuration of minirds per # address information , valudes found # step 1: set pty coding # pty coding (set us) # pty flag set when write eeprom never change otherwise! # pty = program type = 0x0a = value of 2 information # step 2: set subcarier phase shift 85.23 degrees, clock source auto(stero), pll lock range 19000+/- 5hz # step 3: set ps name # step 4: set radio text # dyanmic ps used default ###      ###    # example of how read byte of data    #s.s()    #s.tx(214)    #s.tx(0x22)    #s.s()    #s.tx(215)    #print(s.rx(0))    #print 'got new device: %s' % chr(79)    #s.e()    ###    ###      #set name of radio station    #s.s()    #s.tx(214)    #s.tx(02)    #s.tx(ord('x'))    #s.tx(ord('m'))    #s.tx(ord('a'))    #s.tx(ord('s'))    # s.tx(ord('m'))    #s.tx(ord('u'))    #s.tx(ord('z'))    #s.tx(ord('k'))    #s.e()     #store eeprom    #s.s()    #s.tx(214)    #s.tx(0x71)    #s.tx(0x45)    #s.e()  s.cancel() pi.stop() 
when above code executed, following attributeerror:

fpp@fpp ~/media/plugins/edmrds $ sudo ./ -l
traceback (most recent call last):
file "./", line 22, in <module>
pi = pigpio.pi()
attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'pi'

looking resolving. believe pigpio libraries ok. command pigs pigpv returns value 44. suspect may problem python or pigpiod daemon. i'm new @ more basic environment or permissions.

code looks correct ...unless happen have old version of pigpio looks differently initialised viewtopic.php?p=486959

maybe have file called or sub-directory called pigpio in current directory , python imports instead of correct module?



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