Featured Content Slider module icerikteki yazi ve resimleri slite show yapiyor - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

featured content slider module icerikteki yazi ve resimleri slite show yapiyor
demosuna bakin bence cok kiyak ve farkli amaclarla kullanabilirsiniz.
http://www.gavick.com/demo/index.php?op ... 2&itemid=1
burdan indir ama once siteye uye olun
http://www.gavick.com/index.php?option= ... 1&itemid=1

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featured content slider, makes slideshow out of content  items category on page. modified version of flexcontent bleurgh.co.uk.
the module based on dynamic drive's featured content slider.

this module have options of flexcontent, module allow flexible display of introductory sections of content items given section or category.  features include:

    * easy selection of sections , categories use via drop-down menus
    * ability automatically trim content specified number of words or characters
    * ability make links go appropriate section/category blog page
    * option add section/category link after displayed content items
    * complete freedom output title, text , image in order
    * can use images don't appear within text, still in normal joomla image management system
    * cookies used remember , recall last content viewed user when return.
    * interface , of content slider customizable via css, pagination links can moved around anywhere on page desired.
    * can change speed, width , hight display of content items.

you can see featured content slider in action @ demo page.

this extension requires registration download.

peki bu modülü bir tab modülün içine birden fazla kere nasıl koyarız. yani aslında bir modülü nasıl birden fazla kere kayıt edeceğiz ( gerek var mı onuda bilmiyorum ama)


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