Wanted: Keyboard Shortcut for OCR Text Recognition

acrobat 9 pro (imac, tiger)

dak please if there is, or whether can create own, keyboard shortcut running ocr text recognition? , if there or could, or how go making one?

i have reams of text files scan in , process, 1 file @ time. @ present, having click document on menu, find ocr on menu sub-menu, okay run it, tediously repetitive.

thinking might quicker, i've set batch sequence ocr, per advanced> document processing>batch, etc still have go advanced menu , on before being able run batch sequence , 1 file @ time there no saving.



you can run batch sequence on entire folder in 1 go.
you need change "run commands on" setting in batch edit sequence window.

More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only)



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