Weird grey boxes behind type areas

okay one's got me scratching head...

quark xpress 7.31 exporting page containing news story, several photos , few ads: intel dual core powermac tower 2gb ram running 10.4.11 , cs3.

we export page .ps file quark xpress using "export layout pdf" function , fire file distiller 8 watch folder. distiller spits out pdf in usual way but... of sudden we're seeing square 30% grey boxes behind of type areas on page.

the grey areas precisely rendered match text box locations in quark xpress layout, , thought acrobat 8 application generating them - though it's form of markup. resembles effect if took standard pdf embedded type , swept test area text editing tool; area swept highlight in light grey... looks effect on-screen - it's permanently active , cannot disabled.

if open same 'erroneous' pdf on mac in our department running same os version , acrobat 8 looks same grey boxes. if open same pdf on mac running same os version , acrobat 6, looks fine no grey boxes @ all.

in instances, grey boxes not print if send them proofer or rip. appears display issue only. it's mighty worrisome come press time... i've run permission fixes, onyx, applejack, etc. no avail.

anyone? prefs related?

what colour space / tint / values getting inside output
preview inside of acrobat when click inside these grey boxes?


More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only)



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