2 digit LED counter with buttons!

hello all! first post!   :d  new arduino , code not working.  want create 2 digit led counter using arduino, having trouble.  first of all, going take arduino outputs , hook them transistors power 12v light strip (this works tested it).  first problem uses 14 digital imputs (2, 7 seg displays). hook + , - buttons analog imputs?  second, code uses if statements , not work @ all.  have code work this, or should upload code see if can work?  much! happy coding!


hello man

yes, analogic pins can used digital ones, using example "digitalread(a0)". think should cd4511 ic's, it's useful ic control 7-seg displays, using 4 pins of arduino control display.
or can use shift-register(74hc595), uses 2 pins arduino control number of displays(cascading ic's), it's little bit more difficult code begginers.

it's post here code can @ , ;)

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > 2 digit LED counter with buttons!



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